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the insectorium ;)

speaking of which it's in danger cause my mom wants all my babies in the basement

i may have to sell/give away most of the mantises for their own protection :(
Im sorry :( Why don't you migrate all the heatlamps, everything etc to the basement and put the mantids down there? I keep all my animals in the basement

Easter Sunday started out really cold and dreary, but the sun did come out in the afternoon. Today the high is only supposed to be in the mid 30s. A few days ago, the weather forecast was showing 60 degrees temperatures in our future, but it's been downgraded now to highs in the 50s. The one positive about a slow warm up is less flooding in North Dakota and Minnesota.

There are areas with some grass actually showing now but other areas (like the front yard) where there is 10 or more inches of snow yet to melt. It's piled higher in spots from the snowblower.

Man the weather's friggin CRAZY here... It was 55-60 degrees all day yesterday and it dropped to 27 AND flurried overnight. Now it's in the 30's and supposed to hit 40 this afternoon... Annoying. :p

I feel sorry for all you cold weather folks. Break out the shades and the sunscreen. :lol: This is what my city weather is...

