Starting Dubias


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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2011
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Recently got some Dubia roaches and I have them in temporary housing until I find out the best way to set them up. I have done a search and read a bunch of threads but still have a couple of questions:

What is the best bedding material? I have heard paper and moss - what works for you? They do seem to produce a lot of frass.

What is the best food? I have been giving them cereal and bread, and veggies for moisture, but it is obvious that things get too moist quickly unless I provide more ventilation.

Heat pad under one end to provide a temperature gradient, right? I was hoping to set them up in something smaller than a Rubbermaid sweater box but it's not looking that way.

Many thanks for the help!

Yeah I had a friend in FL get arrested on the news for culturing Dubia and other roaches. They are invasive there and illegal. Either way though Im sure its done, get a larger tub, smaller is not better, and I lay paper towells on the floof of the tub as it makes cleaning the tub much easier. I'd recommend a roach diet as its already premixed and nutrient rich but if your going to make your own Id suggest greens, turnips, spinach, kale, as well as beets, carrots and I add malt o meal.

Keep the egg crate verticle and screen the lid ventilation is important. You can use a media, I like coco soft but it makes digging out nymphs more work. When tranfering them to a new tub make sure to tranfer some of the frass media with new.

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I live in FL and had dubias until I realized they were illegal...I am in the process of culturing lateralis as a different roach source....where abts in FL are you?

Going to get rid of them and either try lateralis or stick to flies and locally-caught bugs.

How do you have your lateralis set up?

I have the lateralis' setup in a critter keeper with newspaper lined bottom (two layers) and a small and medium sized cut pieces of egg crate....cap with soaked paper towel for water and cap with Roach Roast....

I use the egg crates, no substrate, and my roach roast, which I make myself, I also use a little slice of orange, potato or piece of lettuce for moisture, just one of them, not all or it will be to moist, or you can use my water crystals, all up to the keeper.
