sub-adult Violin Mantises (HD Video)


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Well-known member
May 1, 2010
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Male and female sub-adult Violin Mantises (Gongylus gongylodes). The male is dark with the long, thick antennae. The females are light tan with short curled antennae (there is a second female below hanging from a leaf, she looks up to see what the ruckus is). There are some good shots of the purple bands they have across their abdomens, and the pinkish-red, white speckled area between their upper limbs used for threat display. And some good closeups toward the end.

Video starts with the male in a semi threat display. I just missed the full display. Never saw them use it before. Male was in rare form that night, stalking around being aggressive. It's usually the female who is aggressive, grabbing food from him, striking at him, etc. For some reason he was all worked up. I swear his purple bands were brighter than usual, but that could be my imagination. Or maybe the purple shows more when their abdomen is expanded after a big meal. They had gorged earlier on flies.

Getting footage like this was one of the reasons I opted for the Exo-Terra tank that opens in the front. I just open the glass doors and poke my camera in. I also had a small LED light laying on the bottom of the tank for additional lighting.


Canon Vixia HF200

B+W Macro Close-up +10 (NL10) Lens

Edited in Vagas 10

Ambient soundtrack by Precarious

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I love it! This is one of the species I was most attracted to when I started looking into them. I have yet to get one since they require some extra care. You soundtrack reminds me of a TOOL intro!

I love it! This is one of the species I was most attracted to when I started looking into them. I have yet to get one since they require some extra care. You soundtrack reminds me of a TOOL intro!
Really not much trouble at all. Keep them around 80 F and around 60% humidity and you're good. Spend the $8 to keep a temp/humidity monitor in the tank and you're set. Keep light close by if you need extra heat.

I got them not only because they look so cool but mainly because I wanted a species I could keep communally. It kinda bothers me to see a mantis alone in a deli cup, but I understand that is the norm.

TOOL! Thanks for the compliment! :punk:

You're welcome! And as soon as I can invest a little more money to buy a light and maybe a bookshelf like you have I intend on getting some violins. I'm currently on unemployment, so it's just not in the cards right now

And you're welcome

Cool Gongy vids.

I'm scared to put mine together!

What are you using to make the music? Reason?
They're fine together. Just keep them well fed and make sure they have some space between them before you introduce flies. It's really much nicer to keep them as a group.


For these ambient peices specifically I use a crazy good softsynth, Camel Audio's Alchemy, within Ableton Live. But generally I have a whole arsenal of software and a studio full of classic analog synths. The best of both worlds. ;)



They're fine together. Just keep them well fed and make sure they have some space between them before you introduce flies. It's really much nicer to keep them as a group.


For these ambient peices specifically I use a crazy good softsynth, Camel Audio's Alchemy, within Ableton Live. But generally I have a whole arsenal of software and a studio full of classic analog synths. The best of both worlds. ;)
OK I threw four into a one foot butterfly cube today! So far no cannibalism but I did get a couple half threat displays! First time I saw that with my gongys. hehe

Dude about your mixing room I need to come over and play! :eek:

I could get busy like Daft Punk up in there. :clap:

I've been playing with Reason and Rebirth lately myself. Maybe I'll make a mantis soundtrack! I think it would be a bit more "dancy" though. I don't have any hardware yet besides a bass guitar and my keyboard as a midi controller.

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OK I threw four into a one foot butterfly cube today! So far no cannibalism but I did get a couple half threat displays! First time I saw that with my gongys. hehe
Like I said, I've never had any problems but the male has been flashing threat signs since becoming sub-adult. No fights though. Sometimes they jab at each other if they get too close but that's the extent of it.

I've kept mine together from the start. Don't know if that matters.

good stuff you should make movies,you seem to have the knack.
Thanks, man. I'm working on it. I have my first short film scripted (built around some really unique footage of a mantis) but it looks like I'll have to wait till next spring to get the rest of the footage I'll need. It will be dark, David Lynch-like, and filled with symbolism.

Sneak peek... ;)

