Success, mating mios!


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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2011
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I am happy to report that my mios paired up last night. This is my first attempt at mating mantids, so I'm pretty excited. Both are more than 2 weeks old--about 3 weeks I think. I had tried a couple of days ago, but was having problems. I am not used to dealing with flying mantids and my male was more interested in happily flying around than the female. I did get him near her and he seemed to notice her, but then she kept turning and noticing him because he was moving around so much.

Last night, I let him out for a bit to fly around, then put him on a mesh lid laid back in the bottom his 1 gallon enclosure. Then put the female in with him and she started moving around exploring the lid. So he was below her, watching. After a bit, he snuck up on the lid, crept up and then suddenly jumped on her. It may sound silly to say, but it is just a beautiful thing to see him doing what he was designed to do--it was quite a skillful flight-hop :) She was very busy trying to find a way out :) They stayed paired a couple of hours and then separated, got her out a bit later.

So, my next question is, what should I put her in? She's in a 32 oz squat enclosure now, but I think she may be better off switched into the males 1 gallon. I am not wanting her to lay any ooths on the lid of the enclosures.

As an aside, male mios have got to be one of the most beautiful things around--those silky wings! I thought it would be much harder to deal with them when they fly, but after hand catching houseflies, they are quite slow in comparison. They are so oddly graceful!

Now I just need to figure out what to do with all my chinese adults. I'm about ready to just put 3 or 4 out on my huge ficus and see what happens over the weekend, lol.


Go for it girl! the males and females are pretty, I agree. I would go head and put her in the bigger enclosure, she must be unhappy in that small space.

She has laid two ooths so far, the first one was huge! I haven't had any luck yet with my Blue Flash and Marbled mantids. Maybe I need some mood music...

