Yeah, I raised them as a kid, but I'm not sure that the modern tadpole will accept the methods I used 60 years ago! To find Lots of articles on how your kids can raise them, Google <raise tadpoles> (without the arrowy things, of course!).All we had was a gallon jar, but the key is changing the water regularly (at least every two days) so I hope that the pond isn't too far away. I guess, though, that you could leave tap water out for a day, to let the chlorine escape into the air. One site I read says "use lettuce leaves." We used a small piece of raw meat suspended from a thread, which got truly digusting in a day or two, but either food will attract bacteria and or infusoria which will cloud the water and starve your tadpole of oxygen, so Change That Water! If you can set up a ten gallon aquarium with gravel, a filter and a few pond weeds, that would be even better. As he begins to look more and more like a frog ( he will have four legs and his tail will start growing shorter), make sure that there are rocks for him to climb onto when he is ready to take to the land. Will he escape when he becomes an adult? Of course!