Tanzanian Mystery Mantis


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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
Princeton, NJ
L2 species ostensibly for the Tanzania region. Has anyone seen one of these ? His name is Namiki. Very fierce, indeed. Even though just an L2, he gave the back of my hand a nip yesterday and it felt like a bee sting! And (get this) - he drew blood !




All bets on Religiosa


This old pic is the best comparison I've got. I'm not sure if these are L2 but should be between L2-L4.

White and darker stripes along the edges of the thorax, white stripe along its head and eyes, forearms with small black dots... Yup, I'll go Religiosa. Mine are a little paler, though


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Definitely not Chinese. Also, compound eye physiology completely different from T. sinensis. Also - although Mantis Religiosa can be found in Africa, it's northern Africa, not sub Saharan (central latitudes).

Thanks Dom. I stand corrected. But Gill, I'm in your camp so far. I will have to get you guys better photographs and physical descriptions to help narrow this mystery down.

Yes, ML. He's sending it over tomorrow. I'll post it then. Should add some clues. This isn't a game - I really do not know the ID of this sp.

Hello Digger,

It's most likely Ischnomantis fatiloqua. That's what my nymphs look like.

It is Mantis religiosa, no doubt and yes they are very common in Africa and quite variable in size and body proportions. The religiosa's from Congo are the largest, but only certain populations.

Carter, would the ooths look different across subspecies or geographic location? Unless the ooth his particular specimen hatched from was "deformed", it should look like a typical euro ooth.
