Tanzanian Mystery Mantis


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Nothing in particular. He/she molted flawlessly on October 17. About 2.5 inches long @ L6. Gonna be a growth spurt like a teenager next two molts.


I'll try to do that today. He had an enormous meal last night and is filled out more than usual. Most concur this is an Ischnomantis.sp.

BTW - your avatar never fails to really creep me out !

Most M. religiosa i've had sported the eyespots on the inner coxae of the forelegs before L5.

There might be a possibility it could be a different species belonging to that genus.

Mmm okay. I have no experience with Ischnomantis.sp, just seen lots of pics. But it would make sense if that's what it is. Especially if their ooths look like that. Good job raising him so far.

And yeah, lol it's a still from Alice in Chains' "Man in the box" music video.

looks like a religiosa eichleri to me as I have 3 that looked like that and now are all adults and they are 2 females and a male!

not really besides the color difference they are all three tanish and 2 of them act way different then the third as two of them hang out on the bottom of the critter keeper like they are in stalking mode or such and the other one is on some of the branches in the tank and does not act like the other 2

We Want Pics ... Please ... someone ..

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