Tarachodula pantherina


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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
this is like trying to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. does anyone out there have any idea at all where i can get hold of this species. ive been looking for it so long now i fear it may never happen but i suppose if ya want something bad enough you have to keep tryin right ! thanks.........

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this is like trying to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. does anyone out there have any idea at all where i can get hold of this species. ive been looking for it so long now i fear it may never happen but i suppose if ya want something bad enough you have to keep tryin right ! thanks.........
Quite a while ago, I sent my T. pantherina to Deshawn, I don't know if he continued to breed them down the generations, but I guess sending him an email wont hurt. See if he still has them...

Quite a while ago, I sent my T. pantherina to Deshawn, I don't know if he continued to breed them down the generations, but I guess sending him an email wont hurt. See if he still has them...
I dont think he continues to breed them. I think I remember asking if he had some a while ago, but he said didn't have anymore. Sorry. :(

You can always do next best. Tarachodes are the closest species to them out there now. ;)



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I dont think he continues to breed them. I think I remember asking if he had some a while ago, but he said didn't have anymore. Sorry. :( You can always do next best. Tarachodes are the closest species to them out there now. ;)


nice but not as nice as t. patherina.
