Tennis Balls!


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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
I'd like to start a new thread of photos JUST featuring mantids on Tennis Balls! I've enjoyed such photo references on mantisplace, and thought it would be fun. I juuuust started, and picked a model WAAAAAY too small for my camera, but at least there's a fruit fly in there for scale... I'll have legitimate photos tonight...

Anyway... let the game begin!!!

L1 Rhombodera laticollis


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Cute little one! I have Rhombodera of various sizes that I got from Carey but not really sure what species they are, she says they are probably stalli. They sure are animated characters though. Really an interesting species to observe. :)

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Reminds me, I found one the other day in a drawer in the Bugatorium, nice and new, and I brought it out an threw it on the floor, all the time wondering why I had it in there! then it struck me! photos! :rolleyes:

Here's a few more for the thread (yeah, I know - I NEED to get my macro lens).

Idolomantis diabolica L1


Idolomantis diabolica L2


Creobroter pictipennis Adult Female


Creobroter pictipennis Adult Male


Brunneria borealis - L???


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I know. I know.

I had to get a 2tb hard drive when I first got the CAMERA! When I get the lens... Oh, my. Won't be sleeping for a while...
:clap: :clap: I found a pink tennis ball!!! now just to hide it from the 100 pound lab with a drooling problem. :sweatdrop:

what kind of camera are you using sporeworld? we are an olympus family here. what ever camera you are using, i would suggest a good 50mm (to start!) not super expensive, but by far the lens we use the most!

I have a 35mm that i really like, but the working distance is not long enough, so back to the 50mm i went! the 100mm is a lot harder to use although has a great working distance, not as sharp as the 50mm.

I've got a Canon 5d Mark 2. But an average lens (24-105mm). Macro 0.45m/1.5ft. Whatever that means? I am NOT camera savvy. :blink:


OK, here's some more...

Idolomantis L3


Idolomantis L2 & L3


Idolomantis L1 & L2 & L3 (they would NOT sit still)


I've got a Canon 5d Mark 2. But an average lens (24-105mm). Macro 0.45m/1.5ft. Whatever that means? I am NOT camera savvy. :blink:
nice camera, i believe cannon makes a 65mm macro, i think that would be my choice! when lens shopping, just remember the lower the f number the better the lens glass= sharper pictures. the f stop on the lens you are using is probably 3.5?(just guessing) in a macro you want an f # to be 2 or lower. the smaller the number of course the higher the price. but the sharpness of the subject is worth the investment :D


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