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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2009
Reaction score
Plevna, MT
So, if you saw my post in the intro section, you know that I have a very small mantis about ---- that long. The first day I had him, I managed to somehow catch a very small fly. He ate it no problem. Yesterday, he was lurking around his cage, and I went outside and found a colony of termites. They were very tiny, and I put one in front of him and he ate it no problem. Are these an acceptable food choice at least until he gets bigger? I wasn't expecting him, so I didn't have FF's lined up. Thanks!


If he accepts them and they are from an area that is pesticide free then yes. Mantids will not eat certain things they know they cannot or should not.

Cool thanks. I gathered about 10 of them because of our crazy weather here in Montana. 4 days ago it was 75 almost 80 degrees and yesterday I woke up to snow on the ground! Mother Nature is bipolar around here. I'll try to sweep a net over some grass to find some leafhoppers later. Thanks guys!


Cool thanks. I gathered about 10 of them because of our crazy weather here in Montana. 4 days ago it was 75 almost 80 degrees and yesterday I woke up to snow on the ground! Mother Nature is bipolar around here. I'll try to sweep a net over some grass to find some leafhoppers later. Thanks guys!Jake
Hah....gotta love the weather, same here in Calgary, 75 - 80 Wednesday, and then -6 and 6" of snow on thursday.....this time of year you should be able to find tiny silverfish under rocks, maybe even some midges or mites also.

Cool thanks. I gathered about 10 of them because of our crazy weather here in Montana. 4 days ago it was 75 almost 80 degrees and yesterday I woke up to snow on the ground! Mother Nature is bipolar around here. I'll try to sweep a net over some grass to find some leafhoppers later. Thanks guys!Jake
Plevna! My goodness, you are out in the wilds! My son lives in the tiny town of Florence in AZ, and its population is about six times the population of Fallon County! So I guess that you can't go into town and buy a vial of fruit flies!

I agree with everyone above, who says "go ahead," but termites are not a "natural" food for mantids. Termites occur throughout the southern border states, and any enterprising mantis could set up shop outside a ground termite's nest and let his food come to him, but they don't. When the snow melts, take your sweep net out and try and gather as many tiny flying insects as you can; they'll make him happy!

My hat is off to you for even trying (and succeeding, of course!) to raise a mantis under such conditions!

My only caution would be to avoid feeding the soldiers if possible. Most termite soldiers have a nasty bite.

Yeah, the only ones I've fed have been the workers with the small mandibles. The soldiers have the huge jaws, they would cut my little guy in half!


And yes, PhillinYuma, I live in the middle of nowhere. lol. The closest pet store is about 100 miles away, and they have an extremely limited selection. So FF's right now in the cold are out of the question. Fallon County is pretty small. In Plevna, I think our population is about 80 or right around there. I have 5 people in my Junior class.


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