"The Flip" Newb


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May 30, 2018
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I haven't been able to find any video or anything about this FLIP people are talking about? My first mantis molted from L2 to L3 but when I wasn't present when she finished molting. Does anyone have a video or something so I can understand better and prep for L4?

General molting question: how do mantids typically successfully molt in the wild? I know we all take lots of care during molts because our beautiful bugs are very delicate but in the wild they obviously dont have anybody watching over them so... is this handled by having MANY babies and hoping some can successfully molt 5-7 times?

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When you say "flip" I assume you're talking about pre-molt positions that Tarantulas take when molting? Mantids do not have such a flashy signal that they are molting as you will learn- they can be kind of sneaky. Your best warning signs are keeping track of when the last molt was which will give you a timeframe for the next one, and when they go off feed for a day or three but are somehow still looking plump. They'll generally pick a spot and not move much in the days prior and a tell tail sign that the molt is happening is when they start to stretch their abdomen out and wriggle strangely in the minutes before.

I believe "the flip" she is referring to is what they do after coming out of their exoskeleton while hanging from just their butt. They flip to grab onto something more substantial so they can dry out now that they are out. These two timelapse videos show ithe flip...

I believe "the flip" she is referring to is what they do after coming out of their exoskeleton while hanging from just their butt. They flip to grab onto something more substantial so they can dry out now that they are out. These two timelapse videos show ithe flip...
I think this is what people are referring to! I've seen more than a handful of posts on various subjects (Ex building appropriate enclosures, mantis injuries sustained during molting, etc) and they all refer to "the flip" and I havent been able to sort out what it is, these videos definitely help!

Edit after watching: They just orient themselves onto the branch haha. I thought it was some crazy, I dunno, backwards reach to orient themselves on the branch. XP

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Lol. No cartwheels or crazy acrobatics, no....it's more like a sit-up but from the position of hanging from only their butts..."flip" is a close enough description.

It is a risky move for the mantis, if not executed correctly they can fall or mismolt. Since their exoskeleton is still soft at that point they can be injured extremely easily if they fall or dry in a bad position thus becoming deformed if they are not able to straighten themselves out properly.

:)  Most mantids don't do acrobatics, though @Little Mantis has a mantis called Cochise, and boy does she do some crazy things! Check it out in the mantis photos section under Cochise's Pics. You'll be amazed at what she can do!

- MantisGirl13


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