The Hardest Thing About Owning Mantises...


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Krissim Klaw

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Is saying goodbye when their little time on earth is up.

If there was one thing I wish I could change about mantises it is their short life span. I lost my female Chinese Mantis, Soothslayer to old age a few days back and though I normally try to avoid making threads about every mantis I have that passes, I couldn't help it for her. She was such a fun, dorky little bug with a lot of spunk. She was always ready to come out and say hi or sit and watch some tv. You couldn't find a bigger sweetheart.

Farewell Soothslayer, you will be missed


Just imagine what an extended lifespan on the males would do for the hobby. :lol:

That's a really good illustration, do you ever color manga?

Comes with the territory. I actually like the short life spans of most.

Andrew- Extended lifespan on males? I've heard other's mentioning that males often pass quicker than females, but I haven't noticed it that much with my Chinese mantises. It seems the males live about the same length, though I don't breed or anything so maybe that has something to do with it.

And thanks for the compliment on the picture. Not sure if I would say I color manga, but occasionally I do pieces that could be said to be inspired by that particular genera of art.

OGIGA- Thank you for the well wishes and compliment on my art. =3

Rick- Yes clearly, I'm aware that it comes with the territory. Still, for me the hardest part is loosing them, though that's how I feel about all my animals. Still I'm not going to let it stop me because the joy they bring easily out ways the pain of loss. I would never say I'm happy their lives are short, but I try to celebrate the perks that come with it, like the chance it opens for raising and getting to know so many different mantises. If they had the life spans of dogs I would probably only get to know a small handful of mantises over the years versus the constant stream of new big eyed moochers.

Well said.

Sorry to hear about that.

Hopefully soon you will form a bond with another dorky little bug. The good part is theres always another.

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Is saying goodbye when their little time on earth is up.If there was one thing I wish I could change about mantises it is their short life span. I lost my female Chinese Mantis, Soothslayer to old age a few days back and though I normally try to avoid making threads about every mantis I have that passes, I couldn't help it for her. She was such a fun, dorky little bug with a lot of spunk. She was always ready to come out and say hi or sit and watch some tv. You couldn't find a bigger sweetheart.
Krissim Klaw, Sorry for your loss, I share the same sentiment!! Though the longer I am in it, the less it seems to get to me. Like last year I was really done when my last Chinese from a series of oothecae from the same female, passed. This one made it despite bad molts, missing legs, and made it to old age, with spunk also!! Watched TV, hung out like all day long and really inspired me to let all of my guys have a chance at just hanging from vines and curtains and being a little free on a daily basis!! Only one little orchid dude put the caution back with that, because as soon as he molted to adult and realized he could fly, I could barely open the cup to feed him!! But, my little nephews named him "Lucky" and rightly so!! The stories.....!

Anyway, it's more difficult with the ones that make it despite the worst for me.

That illustration rocks!!! Sort of immortalized Soothslayer in a weird sort of way, my 13yr. old just put it!! :p

Good luck with future mantids!!

R.I.P. Soothslayer! :(

DARKSPEED- Thanks for the kind words, and yes, I'm planning to get some more mantises, I go through mantis withdraw without them. :p

sk8erkho- Thanks for the compliment on my art, I often turn to drawing and such to help purge my emotions, that and drawing praying mantises is just so much fun. I also love to let mine crawl around. They really seem to enjoy exploring and the stimulation is probably good for them. Has to be more fun then spending all day in a cage.

joossa- Thank you ^.^

Sorry for the loss. I hate when a mantis passes.... it's even harder when you have to freeze them too.

I have to admit I do like the short lifespans, I don't get as attached then. Though some species I wish would live longer.

Really like the picture, you used photoshop right? Or is it taht other program. Also do you have a DA? I've seen some art mentioning you before on there but could never find an account.

My most hated thing in mantid keeping is having real small mantids on fruit flies :rolleyes:

Sorry for your chinese mantis, i always get a faourite to out of a species :lol:
