The heaviest mantis I've ever held!


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What an amazing thread! All I can say is that you never met a heavy mantis until the Great Mantis Goddess (BbHN) lands on you! :rolleyes:

BTW, I learned today, to my amazement, that two extremely experienced mantiseers on this forum did not know what BbHN stands for. It means Blessed be Her Name. It has been copied both by Muslims, who use the phrase (with "his" instead of "her", natch) after the name of Muhammad, and by Catholics, who sometimes use it in reference to the BVM -- oops! Blessed Virgin Mary. Here endeth the lesson.*

*Some fool named John McIntyre says that that is incorrect. He is wrong.

What an amazing thread! All I can say is that you never met a heavy mantis until the Great Mantis Goddess (BbHN) lands on you! :rolleyes:
I've met her and although she has a very heavy duty presence, being a disincarnate entity she possesses no physical weight. Spirit, after all, has no mass and, therefore, no weight. Elemental entities, on the other hand, are lent temporary mass upon manifestation through their strong association with matter. But I find that archetypal entities, such as She of which we speak, exist strictly within the realm of ideas, with their primal, idealized form influencing the development and survival of those species they inspire within nature. :tt2:

I've met her and although she has a very heavy duty presence, being a disincarnate entity she possesses no physical weight. Spirit, after all, has no mass and, therefore, no weight. Elemental entities, on the other hand, are lent temporary mass upon manifestation through their strong association with matter. But I find that archetypal entities, such as She of which we speak, exist strictly within the realm of ideas, with their primal, idealized form influencing the development and survival of those species they inspire within nature. :tt2:
I think that the root of your heresy here, Precarious, derives from the mistaken ( may I say wantonly mistaken?) perception of the Goddess as a disincarnate entity, who exists "solely in realm of ideas". I forget the name of this Gnostic-like heresy (there are so many of them!), but I do remember that having confessed, the heretics were obliged to tear out their own toenails and eat them before being subjected to the customary burning oil. Take that as a friendly warning

A number of religions preach the concept of "the word made flesh" as in the case of the Christians' Yeshua, or the Avatars of the gods in Hinduism. I just hope that you reflect on all this when the Goddess is tearing out your liver with her "disincarnate" raptorial claws. :p

I think that the root of your heresy here, Precarious, derives from the mistaken ( may I say wantonly mistaken?) perception of the Goddess as a disincarnate entity, who exists "solely in realm of ideas". I forget the name of this Gnostic-like heresy (there are so many of them!), but I do remember that having confessed, the heretics were obliged to tear out their own toenails and eat them before being subjected to the customary burning oil. Take that as a friendly warning

A number of religions preach the concept of "the word made flesh" as in the case of the Christians' Yeshua, or the Avatars of the gods in Hinduism. I just hope that you reflect on all this when the Goddess is tearing out your liver with her "disincarnate" raptorial claws. :p
First off, I ripped my own toenails out the other night because I was bored. I didn't eat them, though I was tempted.

Second, "heresy" only applies in a world under the thumb of Constantine's vicious empire of oppressors, which we see crumbling around us daily.

And finally, oh how I would LOVE to see a 7' mantis in the flesh! Unfortunately, those pesky laws of physics prevent such a large invertebrate from supporting itself and/or respireating without either a more advanced system of ventilation or a reduction of gravity (say, underwater). So, in this case, the Word-made-Flesh would result in a crippled husk unable to breath more than a few dying gasps, let alone rip out my succulent, juicy liver.

And besides, Constantine's false translation of "Logos" into "the word" was a silly ploy to dupe the believers into thraldom to written law (under his control), rather than its more pertinent and meaningful translation of "Logic". After all, logic is not so easily manipulated as the written word. ;)

First off, I ripped my own toenails out the other night because I was bored. I didn't eat them, though I was tempted.

Second, "heresy" only applies in a world under the thumb of Constantine's vicious empire of oppressors, which we see crumbling around us daily.

And finally, oh how I would LOVE to see a 7' mantis in the flesh! Unfortunately, those pesky laws of physics prevent such a large invertebrate from supporting itself and/or respireating without either a more advanced system of ventilation or a reduction of gravity (say, underwater). So, in this case, the Word-made-Flesh would result in a crippled husk unable to breath more than a few dying gasps, let alone rip out my succulent, juicy liver.

And besides, Constantine's false translation of "Logos" into "the word" was a silly ploy to dupe the believers into thraldom to written law (under his control), rather than its more pertinent and meaningful translation of "Logic". After all, logic is not so easily manipulated as the written word. ;)
Showing your true colors (pinkish? we all have nice brown tans in Yuma) eh, Precarious?

So you're a Constantine basher, huh? A Licinius lover. I've heard it all before. I suppose that you are one of those who believe that when he did his "In hoc signo vincet" spiel, he was really seeing a weather balloon and not a Divine Flying Saucer. Well I think that Constantine was Great!. And if he had a few off moments, who wouldn't, with a mother like Helena (though if your mom was like that, my sincere apologies, I don't want to make this ad hominem)?

As for your argument about the impossibility of having a 7' mantis, which rather refutes Popper, by the way, doesn't it, there is more than enough evidence to discredit that. First of all, what's this "7'" nonsense? She can tower over tall buildings, man! Short buildings, too. And we know this beyond a doubt, because the Japanese caught it on film. Several times. Are you saying that they are liars? Wasn't the victory in the Pacific enough for you? Do you have to try to discredit their monsters, too?

Go, great Godzilla!

Mosey, magnificent Mothra!

Attaboy, awesome Atragon!

Munch, mighty Mantis!

(If Sunny were here, we could do it in Japanese, too, but, wiser than I, she has gone to bed).

This was easy and great fun to get started, Precarious, but harder to end. Since it's your thread, though, it's only fair that you have the last post, unless, like Sunny, you've already nodded off.

I still just want to know when I can use that snazzy overcoat, and the good news, I got my hair like that !!! The never washing it did the trick, along with generous use of pot ash.

Chic magnet will be a understatement thanks to you Bud, next time I go paint the town red I'll call you so you can get in on all my overflow! ;)

And that with your dental configuration, we'll need stick's to keep the ladies at bay, we don't want to be over ran...

I feel just like Fat Bastaard when he knew he was "Dead Sexy"! We should bring Phil to the pub also, we could shave his head and call him mini-me, if he would be so kind as to walk around on his knee's for the night, we would be like the Cooler version's of the three amigo's!

Here's my fat lineola.


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Whadda BLIMP! You should get a tiny wheeled dolly so she can haul that load around! :lol:

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