((( The Holy Grail of Florida Hairstreaks )))


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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2008
Reaction score
San Dimas, CA

Read the Full Story Here!

I have raised many of those before! They used to be endangered (thought to be exticnt)...I love their colors...super iridescent ;)

Thanks for sharing Jack



Thanks guys, I hope you enjoy the link to my blog post.

Yes, they were nearly extinct! And I was able to photograph every stage of its life cycle, thanks to a woman named Sue who took the time to show me the hostplant, its eggs, caterpillars, pupae, etc., which I have also displayed on my blog.

Fascinating stuff and a gorgeous creature :D


I saw these in the butterfly exhibit in the Conservatory of Flowers in San Francisco. The iridescence on the underside of the hindwings reminded me of stars with the black pigmentation on the rest of the hindwings.

Thanks for the nice comments everyone, glad yall liked the story :)

It was a gift that I ran into that woman like I did. Couldn't have been nicer or more helpful, and made me realize (again) to take the time to really soak-in my surroundings ... as it was all there right in front of me ... I just needed to stop, be still, and really pay attention :)

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The more you learn about any critter the more fun it is to photograph. I just learned a lot about another pretty bug. Went to your blog, very well done. Did you ever get a photo with the wings open?
