The Newest Addition to My Collection!


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Don't let this one shotty experience with a scorp ruin it for you man, they are far too awesome! Your humidity was fine, your temp was fine, and your substrate was fine. Thus, it wasn't your fault! Like others have said if there was a hole in his tail, it couldn't have been self-inflicted, so it was most likely a parasite. I'm guessing the guy who sold it to you either had his scorps in horrendous conditions, or it was wild-caught. Check out, he usually has great deals on scorpions and a great selection. I think your best bet would be the desert hairy, flat rock, or another emp. Good luck bro!
Thanks man. Im looking into getting a group of Southern Devil Scorpions (a really cool little scorpion) and may get a new Emp at some point.
Check out, he usually has great deals on scorpions and a great selection. I think your best bet would be the desert hairy, flat rock, or another emp.
True, he's got emps for just $10 each. Great prices.

I have been talking with a few people online that seem trust worthy and have been offered a Flat Rock, Emporers, Southern Devils, and Desert Harries. I think I want to stick with a forest species and stay away from the deserts for now because my house stays fairly humid anyway. The Southern Devils are small but look cool and seem easy to keep. They are cared for much like an Emporer but can be kept at room temp. Anyone keep these?

Btw, you should arm yourself with a uv flashlight and go find some yourself! Itll be fun and best of all you'll get em for free :D

It took a lot of digging but I was able to find a good amount of info about them. If you do a web search for "Vaejovis carolinianus SOTM" you will find a nice littel write up on the Southern Devil Scorpion where it was elected "scorpion of the month for one website".

Btw, you should arm yourself with a uv flashlight and go find some yourself! Itll be fun and best of all you'll get em for free :D
I plan on ordering one next week but from what Ive read they dont live in my part of the state and for what I would pay in gas to drive to a more suitable area I could just buy them over the internet.
There used to be a pretty awesome forum for scorpions that i used to be a part of, it was called venomlist or something like that, not sure if its still around. They had so many helpful people on there, especially for scorps and other arachnids. Thier SOTM archives were incredibly useful.

Post pictures when you get those devils! :D

There used to be a pretty awesome forum for scorpions that i used to be a part of, it was called venomlist or something like that, not sure if its still around. They had so many helpful people on there, especially for scorps and other arachnids. Thier SOTM archives were incredibly useful. Post pictures when you get those devils! :D
THATS THE NAME OF THE SITE! Man I couldnt remember for the life of me! I looked around a little bit and it is pretty cool.
Have you checked for any herp shows in driving distance? In my state there are at least a couple that hold shows on a monthly basis.

Emps are quite durable so I would encourage you to give it another go. ;)
