The Road


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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2009
Reaction score
Huntsville, AL
I really liked this movie. It's not a happy story at all, but I highly recommend it to anyone that can enjoy a tragedy. Viggo's acting and the imagery really impressed me. Anybody see this movie? What did you think? Also, for you old school PC gamers, the book was one of the original inspirations for the Wasteland and Fallout titles.

Hmmm, apparently obscure movies and college football are not very popular among the mantid community. :p *checks these off the list of possible things to talk about*

Don't know what you mean by "Obscure" exactly, but I would normally be right on top of it.

But most of the movies that came out last year really didn't interest me enough to even go see them.

But yea - college foot ball, I have no knowledge at all. I just know my roommate bets on every game and loses a fortune.

Well The Road was a limited release movie. I guess that's what I mean by obscure. I just really wanted to discuss this movie with someone. :(

I really liked this movie. It's not a happy story at all, but I highly recommend it to anyone that can enjoy a tragedy. Viggo's acting and the imagery really impressed me. Anybody see this movie? What did you think? Also, for you old school PC gamers, the book was one of the original inspirations for the Wasteland and Fallout titles.
I just saw the movie and I think it's good. Viggo is an awesome actor. No wonder it felt like I was playing Fallout while watching it.
