The struggles of having a mantis


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Aug 2, 2017
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So I own a Devils flowerror mantis which will only take flies as food and therefore I must catch them. As I found a sunny spot where the flues should be it happened to be by a window, the man who owns the house bursts out and yells "WHAT ARE U LOOKIING FOR" as if I was stealing something. To make matters worse he was Asian and spoke very broken English so he probably didn't understand my explanation. So apparently I'm a criminal now :).

The only thing more awkward than neighbors spotting you chasing butterflies with a net is when they ask why you are catching them and you tell them to feed your pet mantis. :innocent:

The only thing more awkward than neighbors spotting you chasing butterflies with a net is when they ask why you are catching them and you tell them to feed your pet mantis. :innocent:
LOL IKR! It was so awkward in the summer when I would go catch flies and moths in the yard with a kids net?

lol! Try doing this in Iceland where even children don't really catch insects for fun. People have NO idea what in the world you are doing. I have had my fair share of awkward conversions with neighbors. The best hunting spot back in Canada was right near a school and I was constantly reminding myself to not get too close as I looked like a pedophile creeping through the bushes. It also got interesting anytime a school activity was happening and the place was swarming with parents walking up to the school looking at me like I was a crazy person.

Have you thought of making a fly trap? they are not hard to whip up and work very well. I personally have made some very effective ones out of a 2 liter pop bottle and some kindly donated "bait" from my faithful hound. Catching flies even with a net is very troublesome as they are ninja mind readers on speed. I meant to make up a tutorial on how to make the trap but never got around to it... I should really revisit that.

This has me in tears!  

I was out earlier trying to catch little flies in the backyard with a cup! Good thing there's a fence and the neighbor couldn't see me, but I'm sure they were wondering what all the swearing was about LOL.  They already think I'm nuts with all the pet rats I have  :lol:

My SO took great delight in catching fun stuff in the yard for our first mantis. I told him no bees, wasps or butterflies though! Basically, no beneficial insects. But it's winter here in Iowa now, so we rely on crickets from the store and (now) fly pupae.

Or when you leave your porch light on to catch moths at night, which essentially puts you under a spotlight for all the neighbors to notice you more easily.

I’m already asocial enough as it is, but it’s hard to explain to people that when I’m looking at a bush, im look for buggies not bunnies, lol. And then they give you that look that  just says “you freak.”  :p  

I've given up on all notions of being considered normal a looong time ago, but picturing you guys hovering around schools and chasing flies with cups is making me chuckle:) You FREAKS!
