Theopropus elegans


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OH! better hurry and take pics of them, they gonna be mad when they get older... here's dad, and heres all his kids, as great big trunk falls to the floor and piles of pics roll out, OH and heres us, Oh never mind, that's just our elbow holding up a mantis! :lol:
HAHAHAHA. That is too funny!

Breeding continues, most of the nymphs have matured while we still have 3 adult females from the previous generation. The new males have started to mate with the old females.



Yeah Becky, they're very closely related to Orchids too but I think they're a wee bit tougher to breed than Orchids.

Love the mating pic!
And really glad you're having great luck with lots of your species! ;)
Thanks Becky! Although I did have some nymph losses and some T. elegans ooths failed to hatch, I'm grateful I still have a good number to continue breeding whatever I have.

Good thing high temps don't make people age, I'ls be dead
