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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2006
Reaction score
Middle of nowhere, Colorado.
Just thought Id share this, It's been Mantis Madness here in the Valley.

Ive found 3 wild Mantids in the last week, a total of 5 in the last month,

The first was a large male European at an auto parts place, then another one in the store room of the Halloween store Im opening, Then a small subadult greenie in the lillies, and just now a large green female in a plant in my front yard.

I'll get pics of them up for help identifying the greenies later.

I went out and found over six mantids the other day.

Hey Butterfly. Just like last year, eh? I have found many wild mantids as well. I see them everywhere in my back yard and out in the hills here in the high desert. I have also seen a couple at Northridge.

Good luck with the mantids and the Halloween store (I love Halloween).

I actually went on a mantid hunt. I went out to the country, found a big field of high weeds, full of hoppers. Nada. My kids came to help and we found butterflies, big spiders, dragon flies, a lizard - everything but mantids! :cry:

I live in Southeastern New Hampshire. It's sad to say that I have not seen any wild mantids in quite a few years. They were abundant when I was growing up.


There's one hanging around in my backyard. I think I'll keep her there. Actually, maybe I'll take her in, get her fertilized, and put her back outside.

I'm envious. I have a difficult enough time trying to find insects large enough to use as feeders in my yard. The chances of finding a mantis are slim in my area.

Hey Ian that works out better you know. It is tough out there serching for bugs... under scorching sun and all the annoying mosquitoes :p
Quite right. While we're breaking our backs over here, you'll just be spending thousands of dollars. Hmm, which of us would I rather be... :twisted:

Hey Ian that works out better you know. It is tough out there serching for bugs... under scorching sun and all the annoying mosquitoes :p
Quite right. While we're breaking our backs over here, you'll just be spending thousands of dollars. Hmm, which of us would I rather be... :twisted:
Ha, damn right!

Went for bug hunt couple of days ago. The park is in terrible shape, muddy road and fallen trees all over the place. I couldn't find any mantis but thousands of mosquitoes managed to find me :x So i left the park without mantis and lost a gallon of blood bummer! ok i exaggerate :p

I just caught one today and his power level is over 9000!

pics to come! :p

hehe, sorry, first mantis.
