Thing 1 - mis-molt? Wings aren't right


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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2017
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Thing 1, and Indonesian Double Shield Mantis, had his first molt with WINGS! I'd guess this is his 6th or 7th molt. He's never had wings before. I saw him all the way out (or close to it) of his skin before I went to bed. The next day, I saw him on the top of his cage (as usual), but his wings were all mis-shapen. I don't know if he fell after his molt or what. I gave it a few days, but his wings are super goofed up. He's been on the top of the cage for days now. After about 3-4 days, he's now on the bottom of the cage and is just kinda hanging out.

Thoughts? Can they live with messed up wings?



If it’s just his wings that’re messed up, he should be fine. As long as he is otherwise behaving normally, I wouldn’t worry.

The same thing happened to one of my Chinese. It didn't affect her overall health. I'm certain I was more disappointed than she was. 

Thank you both for the input. Will he molt again after this, or was this his last one?
