Things that annoy you


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Most things said above and so much more...

But really, most teenagers. heck they're so F***ing stupid and ignorant at everything. It can make me rage for real.

None of them I know irl cares about another person or about the world they live in. Only about their own mindless weak little lifes.

Not only teenagers now to think of it. nearly all people actually. :rolleyes:

when people make you super noodles and instead of putting the flavour in at the end, they put it in when its half full with water and takes away the taste.


When stupid movies like Alvin and the Chipmunks the Squequal makes a ton of money, while other better films don't get recognition...

When the cats puke... especially when it's on something good or important.

When people in the "Less than 10 or 20 items" line at the store purposefully disregard the sign and get in line with a cartfull.

When houseflies try to fly up my nose, or repeatedly land on me the instant after I shoo them away.

When son or hubby tracks mud, dirt, etc. inside and appear not to notice or clean it up.

When the power goes out. And when all your flashlight batteries are dead.

When people write with not a wisp of proper punctuation, capitalization, or sentence structure.

When people take up 2 parking spaces in a crowded parking lot; or park so close to you that you can hardly open your door enough to get in or out.

When they move sections and items to a different place in the store.

When people loudly and obnoxiously burp and don't even say "excuse me."

When hubby (or other people) get drunk and make fools out of themselves, acting goofy, telling the same old stories, and not remembering anything they said or did afterwards.

I think that's all for the moment... :p

When another driver clearly sees you approaching, decides to pull in front of you at lightning speed then continue to go 15 mph.

When I get the CuStoMer that no one else will sell to anymore! :(
It's not just ismart...I send them to you first too. ;) :p

For me:

Slow drivers in the left lane. :angry:

People who cut you off to perform an illegal maneuver. :angry: :angry:

Post office during the holidays. :(

When people keep on e-mailing you all day long thinking it will make you respond faster. When this happens, I delay my response. :p Also, perfectionists get on my nerves. <_<
[SIZE=14pt]when It take people days to reply to E-mails and ignores you for the days even after youu have seen that they read it, and when its about a refund oh my not cool its a game its child like,. <_< [/SIZE]

There you go games people play, bad out of state drivers, well there can be alot can that get my goat.

Hot girls that think their farts smell like flowers, that I should worship the ground they walk on, and feel entitled to loudly expressing every ignorant thought that comes into their pretty little heads. Also, poor customer service really grinds my gears. I use to be a general manager at a pizza shop and I took a lot of grief with a smile. Even if employees don't like what I have to say about their quality of service, I expect them to be professional.
[SIZE=14pt]What ever happened to the Quality of service these days?[/SIZE]

Ear Worms... 1 week since Christmas and still have in my head... Dominic the Donkey, jiggey jig! :wacko:
[SIZE=14pt]You have A what in your head?[/SIZE]

I agree with you on that one.
[SIZE=14pt]I with you too on that rick & Kruszakus[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14pt]What ever happened to the Quality of service these days?[/SIZE]
Good question.... I mostly notice it in people my age who don't appreciate a paycheck. I don't know if it's always been this way, but I'm generally disgusted with a lot of my generations attitudes towards education, work ethic, and understanding of the concept of mutual respect. With too many people it's about what, how much, and how fast you can give them something that they desire. Maybe I'm just a pessimist who is basing his opinions on bad experiences, but it's what I've come to conclude.

Also, I'm a fan of the idea of privatized charity with a dollar per dollar tax credit. If you want your money to go to welfare, federal aid et al. that's fine, but I really hate the idea that I'm forced to pay taxes to support people who abuse these services and don't want to do anything to better their position in the first place (not saying everyone in these programs, mind you). I have a former friend who received $2000 in federal aid for college and, while it may be a nice thought to help those who aren't fortunate enough to pay for college, his grandfather pays for his college so he doesn't need it. What did he do with the money, you ask? He just blew all of the money on drugs and alcohol this semester..... Let's just say his grades reflected this. Anyway, I better stop ranting.

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Once again, yup ;) But this is what annoys me - religious people treating an atheist like a heathen, and trying to lecture him on the only proper way of learning the right set of values and blah, blah, blah.
Agree, get discriminated by local authority when I state that I have no religion in some application form, forced me to picked one, treat me like a freaking terrorist, makes me feels like a hostage

Agree, get discriminated by local authority when I state that I have no religion in some application form, forced me to picked one, treat me like a freaking terrorist, makes me feels like a hostage
Is this something new? I have proclaimed my disbelief for half a century and never been stigmatized for it. And as for proselytizers, they only try it on me once. :D

Just thought of one.

When people type an instead of and. Some people do this on purpose and I don't understand it. All I know is it annoys me.

That ↑ way of writing!

And when certain people always have to add their
, when they either don't know what they're talking about, can't understand them, or it's irrelevant to the original conversation.


