Thoughts on motorcycles?


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Well-known member
Aug 26, 2014
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Hey everyone I just wanted to hear what people have to say/thoughts towards motorcycles. It can be anything, safety, anyone else ride, etc.

I would like to share my thoughts because at the moment times are tough for me 

ive been saving up for one for two years and I’m getting one in two months. A few friends of mine already ride already. My best friend and my neighbor rides a tl1000S, it was his first bike and he gave me the opportunity to ride a sport bike. (First time for me wasn’t so bad I knew everything so everything was good)

hes been riding for a year now. On Monday we had last period class together, I was talking to him and I just spent $600 on a helmet and gloves (for now). And I was excited. After school I had to go to night school to make up a credit so i continued my normal day. He called me at around 3:30 but I was in class and I couldn’t answer my phone. My class has a break at 4:30 so I walked out and called him. He answered and I was saying how I was doing community service and it was torture for me ?. He said “yo dude” and I instantly knew what happened without him telling me by the sound in his voice.

He was on his way to his flight school, crossing a intersection it was green for him. A car on the opposite side decided to make a left turn. The car then slammed on the brakes and he hit the side of the car right on the front bumper. He was then ejected about 20ft. 

If the car never braked he would have slammed right into the side of it and I’m pretty sure he would have been gone. 

He called me from the hospital and his arm is really messed up and he just got out of surgery. 

He loves motorcycles and he always told me if he crashed he would have eventually gotten back up and would be riding again. He always said that. And he always wears gear to stay protected.

Now , after saving up for two years and waiting to get my license, motorcycle endorsement, etc. Everything now came crashing down on me. My love for motorcycles. I have time to think about it, but I put way too much money and time into it. 



Oh and to make it clear my friend is ok. 

Admins feel free to take it down if it’s too strong but I just want to hear peoples thoughts and share thoughts.

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He's very lucky he lived.  A life well lived involves some risks, but motorcycles are a BIG risk.  Don't get one just for convenience, only get one if you love it enough to be worth the risk.  

He's very lucky he lived.  A life well lived involves some risks, but motorcycles are a BIG risk.  Don't get one just for convenience, only get one if you love it enough to be worth the risk.  
If the car didn’t stop he would have slammed into directly into the side of it. If the car braked earlier he would have hit the very front of the car and hit sideways. 

And once again sorry for this topic he’s my best friend and I was supposed to be riding with him to school and home everyday in a few months. And now I’m probably going to be riding alone.

The motorcycle in my profile picture is my 11 shadow. Glad your friend is alright. As long as you understand a few things about motorcycles your choice is exactly your choice. First learn how a bike leans using the profile of the tires which leads to understanding countersteer (not understanding countersteer can kill you).many motorcycle accidents happen when someone leans toward what they are trying to avoid. Never asume others are aware that you are there. never let yourself get boxed in and always leave yourself a escape route. Before getting to stop sighn or light glance in the rearview to make sure whoever behind you is slowing down or not following to close.(I some times flash my brake light well ahead of a intersection if some behind me is folowling to close, many times i have found that someone folowling to close was probbley to close to see my brake lights period )This is years of first hand knowledge to improve your riding safety.

If you do get a motorcycle get one that you can handle don"t get a motorcycle that is beyond your capability's (A 160 mile an hour bike is for a racetrack not the street) Honestly some people are not ment for motorcycles but you wont know untile you ride one for awhile. Never ride on bad tires (totaled my 750 because bieply tire seperated left my bike in 3 pieces and total respect for helments The back side of my helmet was ground down to the thin nylon liner ) asphalt is like 40 grit sand paper so no shorts and decent apperal preferably leather.My nike high top was also a causualty in that accident ground through the leather and into the side of my ankle.

This address what you can do to stay safe But sadly there isn't much you can do about others on the road.

Ride defensive  my friend.

My friend came back home yesturday and his arm is super messed up. He won’t be able to move it properly and he lost movement to his thumb. 

I understand countersteering and it’s actually fun for me. Also throttle control. Thank you for the tips! I’m still trying to decide if I want to ride on the street or the track.

My friend came back home yesturday and his arm is super messed up. He won’t be able to move it properly and he lost movement to his thumb. 

Realy sorry to here that

I understand countersteering and it’s actually fun for me. Also throttle control. Thank you for the tips! I’m still trying to decide if I want to ride on the street or the track.

what is your favorite bike  mine is Kawasaki 1993 Zx 750 R But can"t ride those kind of bikes anymore now I am riding 1100 Honda Shadow but would love a new Harley or a old one. LOL

what is your favorite bike  mine is Kawasaki 1993 Zx 750 R But can"t ride those kind of bikes anymore now I am riding 1100 Honda Shadow but would love a new Harley or a old one. LOL
i dont really have a favorite, i like all kinds of bikes from cruisers, sport bikes, dual sport etc. They all are have a different use and feel. 

i like old sport bikes cause they look more aerodynamic, newer ones look too jagged and sharp. I would love a all flat black Harley with black exhaust wrap. (theres too much to choose ahhhh)  

My friend started moving his fingers which was very hard and painful for him yesterday. His dream bike is a 2000 zx12. he dosent want to ride on the street anymore and hes loving the idea of trying out a track. My other friend and I might be looking on getting him his dream next year and surprise him. A zx12 can go around $3k so that honestly isnt that bad of a deal. This is a idea but i know it will mean to world to him.

i dont really have a favorite, i like all kinds of bikes from cruisers, sport bikes, dual sport etc. They all are have a different use and feel. 

i like old sport bikes cause they look more aerodynamic, newer ones look too jagged and sharp. I would love a all flat black Harley with black exhaust wrap. (theres too much to choose ahhhh)  

flat black Harley yea exactly not big on chrome either (I  like  Gloss black tank and fenders  with crimson red graphics on the tank , flat black everything else or mabe thin red accents between cooling fins on the flat black motor) also like the fat tanks and not crazy about a stretched frame.

but until then working on my Honda

My friend started moving his fingers which was very hard and painful for him yesterday. His dream bike is a 2000 zx12. he dosent want to ride on the street anymore and hes loving the idea of trying out a track. My other friend and I might be looking on getting him his dream next year and surprise him. A zx12 can go around $3k so that honestly isnt that bad of a deal. This is a idea but i know it will mean to world to him.

glad to hear he is moving his fingers and hope he makes a good recovery. 2000 ZX 12 is a awsome bike and $3000 is a good price. 

The fast stuff belongs on the track that is 100% 
