'Tis not eating


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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
Arlington, Tx
My adult male P. Ocellata stopped eating and noticing food. He won't look at prey and if he catches it, he nibbles a teeny bit off and lets it go again. Is it a fluctuation in horomones or what? He never has not accepted food before; always been a really aggressive thing.

I would say he's either bored of the same food ur giving him and he wants a change or he may be on his way out :huh: but there are other possibilitys.

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He's been an adult for like 2-3 weeks.

I've tried crickets, a small moth (which he actually consumed a bit more than what I thuoght he would), and phoenix worms. All have been nibbled upon and discarded.

My adults males do that as well. When whas the last time he ate? Mine only eat like a little meal every couple of days. Other than that, they run away from food or only eat a little. Nothing really to worry about. In the beginning, they eat a lot, but after a while, they slow down I guess, and don't need as much food.

My adult male P. Ocellata stopped eating and noticing food. He won't look at prey and if he catches it, he nibbles a teeny bit off and lets it go again. Is it a fluctuation in horomones or what? He never has not accepted food before; always been a really aggressive thing.
Adult male is always more interested in looking for mate than food, adult male spiny flower also prefer a smaller size food and only if he is really hungry. I feed my adult male spiny flower mantis sparingly, once every 3-4 days, and still i found most of the flies lying dead instead. Adult male is also skittish and very alert, will fly when threaten. My guess is he is looking for a female or he is going insane

Hormones and bored of the same food......interesting theories some of you come up with. :D He is a male and like yen said he eats very little as he is more interested in mating.

All right, thanks guys. I expected it to be some fluctuation in horomones. Since he's more interested in sitting than eating, do you think it would be a good idea to now try to mate him with a female?


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