Just coping what Christian wrote, and by that probably the ones that come to mind are the "ant, miomantis, tiawan and other "tiny and small " species. Do you ever see them asked for, no of course not, who would want them? Sure everyone would, then why does no one purchase them? answer is easy, they are not favorites of anyone. I love the tiawan, plays dead, such fun, the ant, so unique, the mio, strong and busy, each one has a uniqueness about them, and when they die off, I am unhappy I can't find more, it is not easy as no one offers them, Richard offers the new zealand, which I buy time and time again, last order all died after hatching, so I am doing something wrong, not Richard or the ooths, it is shipping or me as these are wc. The new zealand is a square shapped mantis and I never get tired of looking at it. So now U know!