Totally devastated


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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2011
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I ordered some mantises recently and the postman put it in the box instead of bringing it to my door--I had left work to make sure I was home for the delivery...the weather has changed here in Tucson (when I ordered them last week it was in the 70's, this week it has bumped up to the 90's. In the 30 min it took me to walk up and double-check where the box was everything totally overheated and it killed all mantises. I can't stop crying...they are so incredibly beautiful and were obviously healthy when shipped.

I will never order mantises again without Express Shipping to my office.


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I'm really sorry to hear yr bad news, and as a fellow Arizonan, I can sympathize. Even if you pick up yr package at the door, it will have spent from the time that it was placed in the uncooled postal truck until it arrives. One way around this is to rent a PO box so that your mantids can wait in air conditioned comfort.

I am so sorry, that is terrible news. :( It is one of my worst fears, when living here in S.Florida things can heat up very fast too.

I once sent an ootheca to someone, that was completely lost by the post people. I spent alot of time on the phone trying to track the package, and speaking to people in different post offices along the way. I still think about all those trapped nymphs all the time.

Now, when I send or receive a package, I am a nervous wreck until it arrives at its destination. Before I send something out I make sure that the person is ready for it, and I insist on being notified when it is received and how the contents are doing. If I am receiving it I will sit outside alot and make my freind stay and watch for it when I have to go pick up my kid.

:( so sorry.... this is one of my biggest fears as my temps have jumped into the 90's also. waiting for my last couple of packages for the summer myself, i can sure sympathize :(
:( so sorry.... this is one of my biggest fears as my temps have jumped into the 90's also. waiting for my last couple of packages for the summer myself, i can sure sympathize :(
I am totally freaked now too because there is a separate order from a different dealer coming tomorrow and it is likely going to end up with the same problem. I can't even decide what to tell my daughter, she was so excited and I can't even talk about this without crying. I have all of them just sitting here. A waste of their little lives and all the dealers hard work raising them.

So very sad.


Hey girl, were they my babies? take and throw them in the yard, and move on, it will not help either you or her to watch what u cannot change. Call the post office first thing in the am, as soon as they open and hve them hold the box for you there, do u have the shipping code? if not email the supplier and get it, you can probably head off the problem this way, and cheer up, we still love U, the post office, well we don't :angry:

Hey girl, were they my babies? take and throw them in the yard, and move on, it will not help either you or her to watch what u cannot change. Call the post office first thing in the am, as soon as they open and hve them hold the box for you there, do u have the shipping code? if not email the supplier and get it, you can probably head off the problem this way, and cheer up, we still love U, the post office, well we don't :angry:
they weren't yours--yours come tomorrow. I do have the shipping code, they are still in transit to arrive tomorrow. I'll call and see if I can get it held there!


Same thing happened to me when I ordered three cultures of fruit flies and three springtail cultures. They were supposed to arrive at 8 in the morning. Instead, 7 at night. During the summer. And I live in Las Vegas. :angry: Needless to say, the fruitflies (and maggots) were dead and the springtails no where to be seen. Luckily I contacted the supplier and they shipped me another fruitfly culture (to divide into the other three which were still viable) and three new springtail cultures. This time I had it stay in the office and picked it up. I'm sorry for your loss though, waste of good mantids :( But contact the supplier, you never know.

I'm so sorry for your loss. :(

Whenever possible, it is probably a good idea to have them delivered to an office or place of work, as the carriers tend to deliver those first, and they usually have to take the packages INSIDE to be left...can't leave them at the box at a place of business!

Rest assured that things will work out for you, I'm sure. :)

Being in So Cal, it HAS been warm. I will look into having my mantids delivered to my work PO.

At least that way they stay as "cool" as the employees.

Why is it that every time i'm "hot under the collar", am I in a POST OFFICE!

I want that "cool" life

I agree with Carey, during these heat waves its best to have ooths and mantises delivered to a business address. The mail gets delivered to businesses before residential.

I don't have one so I use a friends work address. It's kind of far away but better than them dying in those overheated mail trucks. I just had this happen to me a few weeks ago too, I feel your pain :( It's very sad when this happens.

I've lost mantids that way. Things happen.

Good news update--the ones for today survived-5 tiny Mios and 3 Acantrops (one tiny Acantrops didn't make it. they are L1 so could just be shipping.) And my house flies survived too, thank goodness_I am running out of food. I couldn't get the box held at the post office so I just had to wait by the mail box. It was already hot.


I've had that happen to me in the past, one of the downsides of living in such a hot humid state. It is so sad to open a package and find yourself looking at dead baby nymphs.

I'm glad to here your second package made it alright. Hopefully the little dears can cheer you up.

I've had that happen to me in the past, one of the downsides of living in such a hot humid state. It is so sad to open a package and find yourself looking at dead baby nymphs.

I'm glad to here your second package made it alright. Hopefully the little dears can cheer you up.
good news bad news...lost one more mio and another of the acantrops...they are just so small and that was a lot of heat to live through. The totally weird amazing news of the original lot SURVIVED! a little Brunner's! I had kept the little bodies and had left the brunner's in the travel container. seriously the little thing was all curled up in in insect death mode--legs curled, immobile. I looked the next morning and it moved!

I misted and kept it in intensive care for the day--tried a little honey and water on a toothpick. I was pretty sure it would die (well, still am, lol!). Then this morning, it got up and walked up the side of the enclosure. Seriously if this thing survives a molt, it will be a miracle. Also tried smushing a fruit fly. it mostly would just pull away from whatever I gave it so I mostly just left it alone.

My daughter named her "Survivor". Here's hoping she molts.


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I have lost most of my mantids because the weather is still cold here, but hey, it happens. I am more upset with the economic loss to them. I just want to raise a species to adult hood so that I may breed them.


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