Trying to find a mantis for my friend


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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
So now that I've recently gotten into mantid care, my friend wants to get into it as well. I've been talking with him trying to find what mantis would be good for him. Keep in mind it will be his first mantis, so an Idolo might be a bad choice.

He says he wants an aggressive, visually appealing mantis. He likes the way Ghosts and Creos look as a baseline for the visually appealing part. My Ghost isnt too aggressive though so he's less interested.

So we're looking for an aggressive, pretty, good starter mantis. Any suggestions?

Hierodula majuscula? They make for a nice green, also taumantis are pretty and pretty aggressive, but heirodulas are the way to go if you want it to be big.

He doesnt like the way majusculas and Taus look. Says theyre too plain. He seems to like the spines on creo and wahlbergii, and the flat extensions on the ghost. Seems the more accessories the more he likes the look.

By "agressive" does he mean defensive, or hungry?

Creobroter pictipennis are tough little mantids that will take prey that is almost half their size, or larger than that. I just wouldn't suggest putting in prey that will make feeding time to be a battle. They are also easy to rear.

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Budwings are super aggressive feeders and pretty friendly too, medium size. For little guys, creos are pretty aggressive too.

If he likes the way flower mantids look and their aggressiveness, Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii may be a good fit. They're easy to keep and aggressive to the max

Is he wanting one as a pet, or does he have a desire to try breeding. I have an extra male Wahlbergii, but as adults males are anything but agressive. You should probably try to get something that Albet has since he is all ready on the right side of the border.

Whatever it is he wants to get lets not forget that the availability of most species is close to nill compared to the states...

Albert and I are probably the only "noticeable" people with available mantids in his area. Most of my stock is subadult or younger and I currently only have H. bipapilla available right now followed by the but I some Oxi once they hatch and reach L2.

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