So today I hear a continuous tapping sound. Its my female spurca trying to grab a feeder but she kept missing it. Her left grasping leg has twisted by like 90 degrees. So instead of being out in front its twisted out to the left. Reminds me of MBD in reptiles. She still can open and close it but it's rendered useless. She hasn't eaten because she only has use of one grasping leg and keeps missing her target. Anybody ever hear or see this? Probably a molting issue but she molted last week I believe. I just now noticed it and she has eaten since the molt. Can I expect it to be corrected next molt? I can't find any related info.
It's the left leg. You can see how it's at a different angle than the right. You can see how the "line" on the right leg is straight and the left is twisted. It's like the "elbow" is turned in.
It's the left leg. You can see how it's at a different angle than the right. You can see how the "line" on the right leg is straight and the left is twisted. It's like the "elbow" is turned in.