Two surprises tonight


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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2011
Reaction score
Downey, California
My Rhombodera valida laid a HUGE ooth. She looks like she's even impressed herself. :lol: She seemed to "groom" the ooth and I took a video. If it's half way decent, I'll post it.


It looks like only one of my orchids has laid a fertile ooth. I had a very small hatch of about 10. :( Here is one of the little guys. I'm hoping that maybe some others will hatch out, but not expecting it. There is a second ooth of this female incubating and it's much larger. Hopefully I will get enough for a good breeding stock and have better luck next time.


Congratulations! Did you cf valida guard the ooth for a while? I always feel bad when I have to remove them.

My cf valida laid an ooth that is really long compared to my cf stalii females. I got rid of two of my un-mated female valida but have a third un-mated one. She just laid an ooth, too, and it looks just like the other female's ooth...very long.

I hope you get more Orchid nymphs, but 10 is better than 0.... They sure are cute.

Yeah, 10 is what I started with, so I guess I'm "breaking even". It will be nice if the second ooth hatches more. It will be nice to have nymphs of different ages. Anybody have male orchids? It's a shame to have the females just laying duds. :(

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Congratulations! Did you cf valida guard the ooth for a while? I always feel bad when I have to remove them.

My cf valida laid an ooth that is really long compared to my cf stalii females. I got rid of two of my un-mated female valida but have a third un-mated one. She just laid an ooth, too, and it looks just like the other female's ooth...very long.

I hope you get more Orchid nymphs, but 10 is better than 0.... They sure are cute.
U have stali too? I like stali better

Lemme know if u get xtra stali nymphs

Maybe I can trade u for some stagmomantis californica or perhaps some Samia cynthia

Yeah, 10 is what I started with, so I guess I'm "breaking even". It will be nice if the second ooth hatches more. It will be nice to have nymphs of different ages. Anybody have male orchids? It's a shame to have the females just laying duds. :(
Are you females from Yen's stock? I am waiting to find out if one of my females laid a fertile ooth. Did your female that laid the ooth with the 10 nymphs lay another one? If so, you'll probably get more next time.

I love that first pic! I've noticed my ghosts seem to guard their ooths. Anyone else notice this?

WOOT WOOT! :eek: :clap: Came home to this this evening. Mission accomplished. It must have just started not long ago. I hope they all manage to break free of that cluster. It looks like a fairly decent number of nymphs. Now to wait and see if female #2's ooth hatches. Then I am set.

Sorry about the quality, but I just took it through the plastic as I didn't want to disturb them any.








My suspicions were correct and a glob of nymphs is just hanging there. I probably was gone too long today and didn't get home as early as usual and it's been really warm recently. Oh well. There is theil Female #2's ooth and a second from this one that I know is fertile and will have to be more careful with the humidity.

There are enough to keep it going another generation at least. I misted the container and hoping some more might break free. It may be too late and they are all too well malformed and hardened. I will see what is there in the morning. :(
