Very good Mantis Documentry


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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
South Wales, UK
Hey didnt quite know where to put this...

Came across this video, 50minute long documentry on mantis history/ life. I found it very interesting and definatly worth a watch ;)


Lemme know what you think


its called "alien insect - prayingmantis" im glad someone has finally sorted it out so every one can watch it..some bits in it i didnt like but its well worth a watch..

Had that one on my computer for awhile now. It's pretty good. Not completely accurate but still pretty good.

Been trying to get a hold of this one a while, very cool.

I don't know why they would call an Orchid mantis anything other than an Orchid mantis, though.


Thanks for sharing that with us Stuart.

I could have done without seeing several mantids get eaten but oh well...

And as for the Orchids, I doubt very seriously the narrator is up on current Mantis lingo... Based solely on rough Latin translation, Hymenopus Coronatus Mantis literally means crowned flower mantis.

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Sincerely, that documentary isn't very good. Too exaggerated and launching a wrong impression of mantids.

Regarding the name for Hymenopus, it results, as often, from a translation failure: the documentary is from Austria, and one german vernicular name for Hymenopus coronatus, despite 'orchid mantis', is 'crowned mantis', which indeed is derived from the specific epitheton.

Ya, buffering was kinda slow. xD Yes, the documentary was sooo exagerated. I guess they needed viewers...and so much info was false....they said that the pseudocreobotra in the beginning was trying to be a butterfly.... :blink: xD Dunno how that'll help keep em safe...

Good find though! Was interesting to watch...

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that vidoes was horrible! It kept glitching, stoping, restarting, and skipping in the most random times! It took me well over 5 minutes to watch the first 3! But other than that it was fine! :D
It played flawless for me, but it does somtimes do that at peak times. Can be very very annoying :p

It will not start to play for me looks like a very slow connection

Kindly bjorsa

It will not start to play for me looks like a very slow connection Kindly bjorsa
It could be buffering, quite a lot of people use as they host films and tv shows etc. Best thing to do if it is being slow is to let it start playing, press pause and come back to it in an hour or so. Should be full buffered and play straight then.

Well it want even start to buffer and when I try the I cant even get their page so probably something is wrong with my internetprovider and the china site so I try another day :-(

Kindly bjorsa
