Hahah! I'm a sucker for a challenge.
I put all my non-mated Creos in with my Idolos to (A) eat off all the extra flies, ( B) save shelf space for more Idolo cages and © prove that Idolos wouldn't attack the creo females, since it was unlikely they'd flap their wings (males on the other hand DO make decent Idolo feeders - take the air and kiss it good bye!). I was pretty sure I didn't need to worry about them taking out an adult Idolo. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiii know better noooooooow.....!
I've done similar "stunts" for years. Gongy's and Ghosts and Boxers all peacefully co-existed without incident (or significant incident). Hetercheros (sp?) and Brunners did fairly well with the Idolos, but menaced anything smaller (or, with brunners, other brunners - they are SO not communal). I even had adult female Orchids in with the Idolos - without friendly fire.