violin mantis ooths. questions questions


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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2005
Reaction score
UK, midlands
Hi. I am a proud keeper of an adult female violin mantis. she's been adult for a month and has been successfully (hopefully) mated a few days ago.

Ive quite a few questions about the next step in the life cycle. Here goes...when is it likely she will lay her ooth (is it more dependant on her age, when she mated or how fat she is? (shes fat!!), how many ooths will she potentially lay, does she need to mate again ever (i could sell the male if not), does she need any special materials or conditions (ie cooler, darker places, or hotter) to stimulate ooth laying, and do they lay during day or night. oh and how many young per ooth? phew, sorry for all those questions. cheers : D

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