Violinist Spider


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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2009
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Yesterday my wife called me up to the Hotel (I´m working at the north of my country) and in between our talk, She told me that a friend of Us was bitten by a Violinist Spider at his foot, and that He almost lost his foot because of that!!!!!, I couldn´t belive that a Spider could do that damage in a human, but after looking in google I realized that is true!!! may be here in the forum are people like me that didn´t know about this spider, and I just wanted you to know about it, and if you see an spider like that, try not to play with it!!!!!.

something found in the web (as many others)......

"a small poisonous arachnid, Loxosceles reclusa, also known as the brown or violin spider, found in both North and South America. The bite produces a characteristic necrotic lesion. The venom from its bite usually creates a blister surrounded by concentric white and red circles. This so-called bull's-eye appearance is helpful in distinguishing it from other spider bites. There is little or no initial pain, but localized pain develops in about an hour. The patient may experience systemic symptoms; nausea, fever, and chills are common, but the reaction is usually self-limited. Immediate treatment includes keeping the victim quiet and immobilizing the bite area at the level of the heart. A bleb forms, sometimes in a target or bull's-eye pattern. The blood-filled bleb increases in size and eventually ruptures, leaving a black scar."



may be this spider is not in all the U.S. but at the south may be ......



I think it's called a Brown Recluse spider here in the US. At least here in the midwestern OK it is as far as I know.

Gotta watch out for them while cleaning out basements and the like. *shiver* :eek:

I think it's called a Brown Recluse spider here in the US. At least here in the midwestern OK it is as far as I know.

Gotta watch out for them while cleaning out basements and the like. *shiver* :eek:
Yes, Midwestern Girl, this is a midwestern spider, and I have always heard it called "brown recluse". I used to see a few of them in Chi. There is a different species of the same genus in AZ called, you guessed it, Loxosceles arizonica and the desert recluse, you guessed it again, Loxosceles deserta, which are also poisonous but smaller. Chuck at SpiderPharm goes hunting for these for his business.

The bite causes necrosis of the affected area and sometimes the venom will erode blood vessels as well as muscle and skin. The only treatment that I know of is antivenom and prednisone.

We have a similar related species here too. They're called "brown recluse" but they're not the same species as Loxosceles reclusa, just a close relative. Still highly venomous though.

People react differently to the bite of this spider. Some people will only have a lot of pain while most lose a coin sized piece of skin and muscle.
