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Francisco, do you leave the ziplock bag open to allow air, or seal shut when you put it in the freezer? Thanks!Hello All,Dry freezing will take months, but this will preserve most of its colors.
Now, the way I do it is as soon as the mantis die, I wrap it in a piece of napkin, kind of rolling it on the napkin making sure all the legs and arms and antenna are close to the body as possible. A ziplock bag (small one for like snaks) will work too, you have to put tape around it to keep it rooled up.
I hope this works for you.
Rick, is there any specific mantis you are looking for?
Native,Exotics will anything work???
Yes, but it is also going into my personal collection. I figure most people just toss them out. I will pay shipping.R they for the show Rick?
They will thaw but should still be ok for a couple days. They won't dry for awhile. When you dry them they often change colors anyways. I do like francisco says about the freezerWon't they just get all soft and gooey once they thaw? Wondering how you want them preserved. I get lots of dead ones over time... but usually end up tossing them because they don't look very good after a couple of days. I have one left in the freezer, but not sure what she'll look like when taken out. (Gave the other frozen one I had to our mechanic's daughter for her bug collection for school. Don't know how it turned out after she thawed).