Warm Weather = Insects


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Winter completely skipped Florida this year. It was T-shirt and shorts weather all but maybe one or two days. You can easily find insects year round, in fact, seems like a number come out more during the winter months than summers. So many of the plants seem to like to bloom down here during the winter months =p

I thought those were the assasin bugs? I am confused! aw, shut up u guys, :gun_bandana:

This is an assasin bug.


This is a boxelder bug. They are harmless. They eat plant matter.


Today on my covered porch it is well into the low seventies, and all the critters are outside soaking up the free therms and sunlight. It is so good for the Chameleon, Ivan. He loves to bask in natural light. Mvalenz: How long is that huge Budwing of yours? Is it close the the adult female Aussie Giant I just got from Yen? She is 3-1/4" in length but not so far a voracious eater. I offered her a honey coated and pollen dusted Dubia roach nymph and she almost jumped out of her exoskeleton trying to distance herself from it.

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I think she is a little shy of 3 inches. not sure if she is presub or sub, but she molted not too long ago and she has little black wings now.

We see lots of boxelder bugs in the summer! They come in giant masses and a large portion of the air and yard is red. (Now that's "take-out" dining. Just swing your little bug net and - WHOA! There's dinner! . . . for.... EVERYONE!) haha! :)

A whole mass of them covered our giant tree in our backyard and went dormant there. To get at them, all you had to do was lift off some bark, or poke a stick at them, and they fell right out! If I had mantids then, I would have been set! . . . But then we had to cut down the tree. (There was an ant colony living in it.)

I didn't know that boxelder bugs were safe for mantids. So they are?

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I remember this thread :) I moved since I posted this, so I hope I see them down where I'm at now. I think my budwing was the only one who would eat boxelder bugs.

I remember this thread :) I moved since I posted this, so I hope I see them down where I'm at now. I think my budwing was the only one who would eat boxelder bugs.
none of my mantids will touch boxelder bugs. of course. that would be too easy lol

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