weird bug i found


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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Northwest USA
I found this thing outside there seems to be alot of them but my mantids show no interest in them and the bugs smell like roses :shock: im thinking it wards of preds with the smell and maybe its bad to feed to mantids heres the pic


Does anyone know what this is and if mantids can eat it and if its safe ? thanks

from what i can see it looks like and has the coloring of a boxelder beetle. boxelders are herbavores and when they spawn theres hundreds of them so i wouldnt be suprised if they are everywhere

We call them "Squash Bugs" here. We get lots of them. My mantids eat them readily, and yea, they smell kinda fruity and sweet. Yum! Try googling Squash Bug to find out more.

Thats a type of assasin bug, and they had bad taste and a bad smell to anything with a mouth or nose so mantids will aviod it or either drop it on the first bite, those are all around my house.

