so the recently mated brown gal laid an infertile ooth a week ago, it immediately turned brown
this ooth is her second, she mated thursday
it's still greenish so i assume it's fertile, but look at the way it's laid
it comes right off the leaf :lol:
and no it didnt peel off that way
this is the bottom of the ooth that is naturally off the leaf
no markings or indents that suggest it was once on the fake plant, if it was u would see vein markings
this ooth is her second, she mated thursday
it's still greenish so i assume it's fertile, but look at the way it's laid
it comes right off the leaf :lol:
and no it didnt peel off that way
this is the bottom of the ooth that is naturally off the leaf
no markings or indents that suggest it was once on the fake plant, if it was u would see vein markings