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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2017
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Mantids are a relatively new hobby of mine, but the weird and wonderful have always been my forte. Started out with snakes years ago, but what with parental restrictions and space it's hard to expand with them, so my second main hobby was the one that really took off. I'll update periodically here to share some tidbits from my biggest time consumer :)

N. (Viking x rafflesiana) x ventricosa "red" Clone B by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

N. (Viking x rafflesiana) x ventricosa "red" Clone B by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

N. ventricosa x tiveyi Clone A by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

B. guehoi Kimberleys by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

One of several of my registered cultivars, and a personal favorite of mine

D. 'Childhood Wishes' by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

Whoa, those are some cool plants! I recognize the first one - very cool!

Wow those are some amazing plants... I’ve always wanted to get into carnivorous plants...

New arrivals, but still worth sharing

S. flava atropurpurea FCPE#1 by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

S. flava atropurpurea FCPE#1 by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

S. 'Fledgling' by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

These are not so new

N. rajah x jacquelineae by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

N. bellii x robcantleyi by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

N. ventricosa x tiveyi Clone C by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

N. gracilis "nigropupurea, Singkawang" by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

This one is new, and rather special; Aldrovanda is basically an underwater flytrap, and I received the sprig from someone who actually helped me mate one of my female spiny flower mantids. It has a reputation for being a truly picky species to grow, but so far I am shocked that it is doing phenomenally

Aldrovanda vesiculosa by Hawken Carlton, on Flickr

Holy man. These look like they come straight from avatar or some other fantasy! Wow! I neeeed to get into this hobby!! How do you feed these guys?

Holy man. These look like they come straight from avatar or some other fantasy! Wow! I neeeed to get into this hobby!! How do you feed these guys?
Sorry I didn't see this earlier; most are given dilute fertilizer or for sundews and other sticky plants dried bloodworms, bigger pitcher plants occasionally an expired roach or mantis.

If you NEED to get into this hobby, I've always got several dozen things for sale :)

@hcarlton. I’d love to actually!!! Just not sure if I have the conditions to keep plants really... I have no greenhouse or anything

If you have the means to give them enough light (4 hours to all day full sun or equivalent depending on the plant) and pure water (distilled or rainwater etc.) then you can grow most carnivores. Humidity is not a primary factor, aside from acclimating a plant grown in high humidity to lower humidity conditions (accomplished with a plastic bag).
