Nice male, is he missing a leg? Is he an adult yet?
I kept mine on Coprosma repens (Mirrow plant) This is a New Zealand native plant.
I would cut one branch with 5-8 leaves and change it every day in Summer and every 2-3 days on cooler seasons. Also apple,cherries,carrot,cabage,willow,plantain,**** and pear.
Sometimes leaf litter,dead foliage
I would also feed animal food (dead) like Mealworms,caterpillars,crickets.
I was also recomended to feed them a dead pinky,or dog food. I tried the dog food but never the pinky.
Have fun with them,make sure you have plenty of places to hide.
They will choose only one. In my case all 8 Wetas spent their time in a small crevice, it was so funny how they were all cramped in such a small chamber.
They would be so active at night time.
Also place a container with peatmoss, so the female could ovoposit,the eggs will take around 6 months or so to ecclose. I was not succesfull at that,but I hope you'll do better than me.