What everyone is thinking, but nodody is saying.


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Yes, thanks Precarious, for that rant. Nobody here is seriously contemplating fighting mantids. However they are creatures who happily eat their own kind. So thinking about who might win, or what might happen comes easily. Just like with dinosaurs, and other aggressive creatures.

P.s. We all know T-rex would win.

If the two mantis are about the same size, the hungry one will likely kill the other so the winner is really not species driven but the one that actually make the first initiative to attack. Mantis usually avoid confrontation so if you put two well fed mantis the same size it will be a long wait before you see any fight.

As adults violence against animals is abhorrent to all of us, as children many of us did not know any better. Parents should have offered guidance. I feel that the most important thing here is that these were all childhood stories and we have all obviously grown and become animal lovers not abusers.

We learned to respect and care for animals. I was fortunate in that my parents were animal lovers and I had guidance right out of the gate. I can understand Precarious strongly disliking violence and ignorance against animals, I would hope we all feel this way. Just try to put it in perspective, these were childhood stories, well done and over with.

Velociraptors would win.. Haha or that thing that's got the big spiked wrecking ball on the end of it's tail.. It's like a tank
Ankylosaurus? Well they're heavily armed, but they're all about defense. Animals like that did pretty well for themselves, at least until humans came along. Up until recently we had like glyptodons, and giant land tortoises on the continents. Spears succeeded where teeth failed.

Ankylosaurus? Well they're heavily armed, but they're all about defense. Animals like that did pretty well for themselves, at least until humans came along. Up until recently we had like glyptodons, and giant land tortoises on the continents. Spears succeeded where teeth failed.
Yes the ankylosaurus I think.. Yes but if they get pissed the can do lots of damage.. Snap legs, break ribs, shatter skull etc :p

I bet they couldn't stand up to the apex predators though. Not for long. Especially if it was a group. Just like Lions, and hyenas still eat tortoises, and pangolins sometimes.


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