@hysteresis try telling him he can’t keep a Panda. Haha, the little ones just dont take no for an answer. 

“Santa” is going to drop a very “inconspicuous” Furry 600lb package this Christmas! Lol
This is a nice birtday or christmas present for him:Then... he discovered praying mantises.
Lol@MantisGirl13 yup.
At first they didn't believe they were real.
Once they got close, Cameron literally started shaking with excitement.
Yes the black one is Cameron's Panda.
Penny is short for Pennywise.
Caleb still asked about the new Mantises. Still waiting for a heat pack on our breeder's end.
@Prayingmantisqueen we're not sure.Awww! Those GP are so cute! Are they teddy bear GPs?