What is the most controversial view that you hold?


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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2012
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St. Louis, Missouri
This might be fun. Might start a bunch of good discussions too. I'll start:

Infant circumcision should be illegal with no religious exemption. Parents should not be able to cut normal parts of a child's body off of him, regardless of the benefits. If a man wants to be circumcised, that should be his decision, not one forced on him by his parents. I would give literally anything to be intact, I don't feel whole and it sucks. :(

Name yours or debate mine. I hope this thread isn't against the rules.

I don't see how you can feel less than whole by missing a little bit of foreskin. I know there are surgical procedures to help reverse it, but why? I think they're dirty.

Oh, and being gay is a choice, God's choice.

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I don't see how you can feel less than whole by missing a little bit of foreskin. I know there are surgical procedures to help reverse it, but why? I think they're dirty.
If you think they're dirty, you could have yours cut off. It shouldn't have been your parents' decision to make on your behalf. If your parents thought fingernails were dirty, they wouldn't have anymore right to cut them off than what they should have to cut the foreskin off. Also, it's not just the foreskin that's lost in infant circumcision. I can't link you to anything because it would be ****, but you can google to confirm if you don't believe.

You lose the Frenulum, which is one of the most sensitive parts of the body. An intact man can orgasm from frenulum stimulation alone. The frenulum is literally crushed during an infant circumcision. If that's not barbaric, then I don't know what is.

You also lose the ridged band. It gives intact men a unique feeling that I'll never be able to feel. It is made to detect stretching during sex. It also makes a woman more likely to orgasm than with cut men.

The foreskin isn't functionless tissue either. It protects the glans from unwanted stimulation so that it's only exposed during sex. The glans is a mucus membrane, it has the 2nd thinnest epidermis of any part of the body (inner eyelids have a thinner epidermis). It's simply not meant to be permanently exposed.

Also, I bathe everyday. I'm pretty sure I can keep it clean just like I do with my fingernails. If I thought that cleanliness was an issue for me, circumcision should have been my choice. In literally no other case are parents allowed to preemptively amputate normal tissue from their child's body, especially with so little justification.

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If you think they're dirty, you could have yours cut off. It shouldn't have been your parents' decision to make on your behalf. If your parents thought fingernails were dirty, they wouldn't have anymore right to cut them off than what they should have to cut the foreskin off.

Also, it's not just the foreskin that's lost in infant circumcision. I can't link you to anything because it would be ****, but you can google to confirm if you don't believe.

You lose the Frenulum, which is one of the most sensitive parts of the body. An intact man can orgasm from frenulum stimulation alone. The frenulum is literally crushed during an infant circumcision. If that's not barbaric, then I don't know what is.

You also lose the ridged band. It gives intact men a unique feeling that I'll never be able to feel. It is made to detect stretching during sex. It also makes a woman more likely to orgasm than with cut men.

The foreskin isn't functionless tissue either. It protects the glans from unwanted stimulation so that it's only exposed during sex. The glans is a mucus membrane, it has the 2nd thinnest epidermis of any part of the body (inner eyelids have a thinner epidermis). It's simply not meant to be permanently exposed.

Also, I bathe everyday. I'm pretty sure I can keep it clean just like I do with my fingernails. If I thought that cleanliness was an issue for me, circumcision should have been my choice. In literally no other case are parents allowed to preemptively amputate normal tissue from their child's body, especially with so little justification.
Great post man, just, great post. I learned more about my ###### in that one post than I have in nearly 20 years of using it lol. And I have to agree - the fact that circumcision has roots in religion to me only serves to discredit it.

As for my OWN controversial view? I would say it's about diet. I have a problem with the idea that eating fatty foods makes you fat - mostly because it's untrue. Fat has the most calories per weight versus proteins/carbs. People become fat from a myriad of factors, but mostly diet based on complex carbohydrates. Other things that help contribute to it are inflamation. If you eat a high-fat diet without carbs you will lose weight. You will be satiated faster, and you'll consume less food by weight.

When people talk about 'they GOT to have their diet pepsi' or their 'lowfat cheese' (what the heck is lowfat cheese? cheese is SUPPOSED to be fat), I literally cringe. Or when people say Gatorage is the best drink for sports/post-workout lol. Gatorade is OWNED by Pepsico. The only difference between the Pepsi products they sell and gatorage is Pepsi is carbonated, and has slightly more sugar. The fancy "electrolytes" they boast about is salt.

By the way, the carbohydrates revelation was one I confirmed myself. I was reading material on the paleo diet and later some work by Dave Asprey and wanted to confirm it for myself. I wasn't really fat to begin with, but I was out of shape, and worked out once or twice a week. I was 223 lbs at 5'11". After going off bread/pasta, and eating mostly meat, veggies, and lots of fruit, after 6 months I lost 40 lbs. And again, I really wasn't that fat. I was out of shape compared to my peak condition, and I had some extra baggage in the torso/love handles. I worked out LESS than I was before, and I don't eat bread anymore. Bread is a joke and a scam. Just try it. It's a joke. And I used to LOVE bread. I used to consume maybe 200-300 grams of carbohydrate per day via milk, bread, pasta, etc. Now I consume 50 grams or less via fruit/lemonade. Bread is a joke. You can consume brown rice or squash/sweet potato if you're feeling the need for carbs or want to 'load up' for an athletic event.

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Great post man, just, great post. I learned more about my ###### in that one post than I have in nearly 20 years of using it lol. And I have to agree - the fact that circumcision has roots in religion to me only serves to discredit it.
So were you cut as a child?

But thanks for preserving my post. You saved everything important, and as far as I understand, the part that broke the rule* isn't quoted, so I hope it will stay so people can read what I said.

*It was on the history of circumcision in America and the rest of the Western World. In particular what it aimed to stop is something that we consider pretty normal now. If you're over 18, just google it. Including "John Kellogg" and "Jonathan Hutchinson" in your search might also be helpful. ;) To mods: I didn't mean for this part to break the rules, certainly sending people somewhere else to get the same information isn't a violation. Please don't ban me. :angel:

As for my OWN controversial view? I would say it's about diet. I have a problem with the idea that eating fatty foods makes you fat - mostly because it's untrue. Fat has the most calories per weight versus proteins/carbs. People become fat from a myriad of factors, but mostly diet based on complex carbohydrates. Other things that help contribute to it are inflamation. If you eat a high-fat diet without carbs you will lose weight. You will be satiated faster, and you'll consume less food by weight.
When people talk about 'they GOT to have their diet pepsi' or their 'lowfat cheese' (what the heck is lowfat cheese? cheese is SUPPOSED to be fat), I literally cringe. Or when people say Gatorage is the best drink for sports/post-workout lol. Gatorade is OWNED by Pepsico. The only difference between the Pepsi products they sell and gatorage is Pepsi is carbonated, and has slightly more sugar. The fancy "electrolytes" they boast about is salt.

By the way, the carbohydrates revelation was one I confirmed myself. I was reading material on the paleo diet and later some work by Dave Asprey and wanted to confirm it for myself. I wasn't really fat to begin with, but I was out of shape, and worked out once or twice a week. I was 223 lbs at 5'11". After going off bread/pasta, and eating mostly meat, veggies, and lots of fruit, after 6 months I lost 40 lbs. And again, I really wasn't that fat. I was out of shape compared to my peak condition, and I had some extra baggage in the torso/love handles. I worked out LESS than I was before, and I don't eat bread anymore. Bread is a joke and a scam. Just try it. It's a joke. And I used to LOVE bread. I used to consume maybe 200-300 grams of carbohydrate per day via milk, bread, pasta, etc. Now I consume 50 grams or less via fruit/lemonade. Bread is a joke. You can consume brown rice or squash/sweet potato if you're feeling the need for carbs or want to 'load up' for an athletic event.
When I gave up soda which has a lot of carbs, I felt so much better and less lazy. I haven't lost much fat yet, but it's only been 3 months or so.

Edit: Looks like my old post is back with the offending material removed. I swear it was gone for a second. Thanks for bringing it back, mods. :D

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For Christians, circumcision is a Biblical institution for Jews. I believe it is found in Leviticus. For Jews it is a belief that stands in stone. The child does not have a say in the matter on the 8th day.

For Christians, circumcision is a Biblical institution for Jews. I believe it is found in Leviticus. For Jews it is a belief that stands in stone. The child does not have a say in the matter on the 8th day.
I believe that forcing an unneeded and painful surgery on anyone for any reason is a violation of human rights. There are religions that require or recommend female genital mutilation. All forms of modification to female genitals, even those done for symbolic reason which don't alter the anatomy are illegal in the United States. I think we need a law like that for males too.

If a Jewish person wants to be circumcised, that should be his decision when he is old enough to make it. Many liberal Jews have already moved on from circumcision in favor of a naming ceremony.

A parent cannot force a religion on a child, there is always a choice that that child has to make for himself. I think it should be the same for body alterations that go with religion. I imagine you feel the same away about other religious rights such as scarification, ceremonial tattoos, and penile subincision. I don't think that circumcision deserves a unique status as a protected act in this country.

I'll just say, you've been "mutilated", get over it or join a support group. OMG, someone snipped taz, and he's stinking mad! :taz: :lol:

I'll just say, you've been "mutilated", get over it or join a support group. OMG, someone snipped taz, and he's stinking mad! :taz: :lol:
I don't get the "you should get over it" reaction. If we were talking about any other amputation, that would be a downright offensive comment. I actually think that it's worse because it's still going on to 100's of thousands of boys born in this country.

There is legitimate damage to be stopped, so complaining about circumcision is more productive than complaining about if my parents hypothetically cut off my hand in an isolated event because they were scumbags.

my most controversial view is that abortion should be encouraged

i feel humans are overpopulated and religion makes people think they are obligated to pay for a 30 second orgasm with 20 years of their lives and so if instead of teaching women "god" wants you to have a baby, we should teach them they have a right to their own body and a fetus living on your blood is still a part of your body since its not conscious or an independent organism

abortion is just another body modification

people have no problems with other modifications such as earrings or other jewelry or plastic surgery or tatooes

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