I got a mantis that I am unsure of its species I think its a Iris oratoria but just wanting to be sure as I dont recall the males being this small but could be wrong!
no he dont but I just am trying to figure out what species this male is as I am usually good at telling what species is what but this one got me stumpled as I said I have had nymphs escape before and just trying to figure out what this one is and maybe get lucky and find him a mate perhaps!One feature is he has a red stripe on his eyes but hes not a lacewing mantis!
Wikipedia says mediterraneans have two large violet-brown Eyespots on their hind wings which are revealed when its wings are unfolded. I'm not good at identifying mantids yet so I just see a green mantis.
well hes under a inch long or just a inch at most and has yellow eyes with a red stripe across them but hes not a lacewing but may be related but so not sure what he is and had gotten alot of mantis from people but some I can remember better then others so just trying to figure out what species first off!