What the heck is this ?


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Perhaps it is something like this? If so, it is just a poo pellet :D


Dried diarrhea or maybe a prolapse? Spray it with a spray bottle and see if it will wash off or come loose.
. What is mantis prolapse? She can poop over it. She can retract it. It doesn't look like a sperm sack. It is coming out of her poop hole. I wish I could figure out how to post a photo. It is translucent in color. Any ideas?

Are you positive it's a female? Males sometimes do something funky with their abdomen where it looks like they're retracting a translucent thing (I think it's their spermatophore).

A prolapse is when part of the intestines come out the back. It's not a pretty sight and usually not retractable. I had one female with a prolapse, when the prolapsed portion dried out she started dying from that point. I'm pretty sure she got it from overexerting herself while trying to lay an ootheca.


. I wish I could figure out how to post a photo. It is translucent in color. Any ideas?
I have a photobucket account ... it is free... you upload your photo to photo bucket ... after the picture you want to post, loads.. click on the picture..To the right of the picture are 4 codes you have an option to use. I always use the bottom code.. click on the code it will copy it... then you place it in your post... when you post your message the picture will show up... I hope that helps...

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