Whats the biggest ooth your mantid has laid


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macro junkie

Dead Leaf Mantis
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
1st off..walbergii..whats the biggest ooths yours has laid.post a pic.. :)

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The first my AF P. Ocellata layed. Nearly 3" should hatch very soon :) .



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i think this will put everyones to shame:


(photo and ooths belong to yen saw, just reposting here from another thread on the forum as i know he doesnt come on here very often anymore, and its the biggest PW ooth i have ever seen)

he said in the same post:

"I have noticed that the longer a mated P. Wahlbergii took to lay an ooth, the longer it will be. Most P. Wahlbergii lay regular size ooth around 1.5 - 2 inches, but two of my P. Wahlbergii will wait for almost a month before laying a huge ooth around 3.5 inches long.I just have another one laid an ooth almost 4 inches long!! if i used a longer chopstick i believed it can go longer lol"
heres my walbergii ooths.i dont have a tape messure..grrrr..il buy one tomorow.so i havent got a clue for now what size it is..im sure 1 of you know how big an adult female walbergii gets?mayby just over 2inchs i think the ooths are?rough guees.?yens are very big compaired to mine but he is the master after all.. :)



haha that first quarter inch looks a bit generous! ;) :p

what does everybody think influences oothecae size?

rob - yours looks thin compiared to mine.lol

i think the stick has something to do with it..iv noticed the same mantis can lay a different thickness every time it lays depending on what surface its on.//i guees the real comp is saying "how many nymphs you got from the ooth" so il be sure to count mine when it hatches..just so i dont have to scan 100s of pages can you remember what yens record was for nymph numbers for the walbergii?

of cause feeding has every thing to do with it..the fatter you can get them the bigger the ooth they will lay//the hotter it is the more they feed..

rob - yours looks thin compiared to mine.loli think the stick has something to do with it..iv noticed the same mantis can lay a different thickness every time it lays depending on what surface its on.//i guees the real comp is saying "how many nymphs you got from the ooth" so il be sure to count mine when it hatches..just so i dont have to scan 100s of pages can you remember what yens record was for nymph numbers for the walbergii?

of cause feeding has every thing to do with it..the fatter you can get them the bigger the ooth they will lay//the hotter it is the more they feed..
heres another of yens, slightly longer:


according to yens site, his record hatch for this species was 86 nymphs.

i don't think feeding has "everything" to do with ootheca size. obviously there is some relation, however you can have a female that has been fed so much she refuses to eat anymore. one would assume this was "100% full", and yet she probably wont lay an ootheca 100% possible size. maybe length of time since last ootheca was laid comes into it, maybe the actual nutritional content of the food (and not just food amount) plays a part. probably also the length of twigs or amount and quality of suitable laying sites. but by your reasoning, if you kept them at the very highest threshold of their temperature tolerance they would be feeding the most they possibly ever could, and so would go on to produce the absolute biggest ootheca possible. this is not likely.

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