What's the biggest type of Mantis?


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Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
I want the biggest type of mantis there is, and I've tried looking it up but each website gives me different information.

Is it the Chinese Mantis or Giant Asian Mantis?

Thanks :)

I think the biggest species may be the Tenodera or the Archimantis or one of ths Toxodera mantis that look more like a branch I think which would be like six inches or maybe more but dont think the biggest mantis would be in culture in the U.S!

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Being I had both and and working on the giant asians right now I would prob stick with the giant asians they seem little more easier to keep alive after they hatch from ooths then the chinese mantis but thats only my opinion.The chinese are prone to have high death rates after hatching and keeping them alive is little harder for a easy species to maintain but depends on what factors I guess on how well you raise them but its a matter of ones personal tastes but besides those two I would also look into the shield mantis they may not be as big but is a beautiful species to watch and take care of and I have 6 of them plus 4 mating pairs of giant asians but giving them time to mature little more before I try to breed them!

Toxodera denticulata


I think you need split your question to longest mantis and heaviest mantis. Toxodera is very long but for sure not as heavy like Hierodula, etc.

Same is problem in other groups f. e. beetles.

Problem is with weight of insects - this problem is waiting for breeders. Moreover it varies a lot by same animal, but we can assume well fed female just prior ooth laying will have highest weigh.

But I trully believe this information have some scientific value - so weigh your insect!

wow, that toxodera is awesome! Took me a few seconds to realize where the mantis was.
You may want to clarify your question to either "What is the biggest type of mantis known on earth?" or "What is the biggest mantis in culture available to get or buy?" The answers to both are different. ;)

biggest mantis in the U.S is the chinese but elsewhere it different esp on different continents or countries

I'm currently keeping Heterochaeta orientalis (most likely), they are pre-sub, and already measure up to over 8 cm. I have no idea how long they get once adult, but I should find out by early spring.

One of my collection.
Yen, the lobes on the legs of that specimen looks exactly similar to our Toxo nymph. It could be the same species as ours. Here's a couple of Japanese photos of a Toxodera beieri adult:

Photo 1

Photo 2

What do you think? Are they similar? That dead specimen is probably discoloured though.

Yen's specimen is Toxodera maxima. Both T. denticulata and T. beieri are slightly smaller, with T. beieri being almost as large as T. maxima.

The specimen in the first pic is Paratoxodera marshallae.

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