When Will Your Mantis Molt


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agent A

the autistic flower mantis
Supporting Member
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Collins, CO
Refusing food, slow movements, cloudy appearance, swollen abdomen, very alert, trying to find a molting perch. A well fed nymph molts every 10-25 days on average. If molting is disturbed, a mismolt could happen and the mantis could die. Mantids usually molt in the evening or early morning hours. That's all I got.

Mismolts can happen either way, but without disturbence and with good humidity, it's very rare. My sister's first pet mantis died of a mismolt. My L4 budwing won't eat, but is shooing away his food.

Mismolts can happen either way, but without disturbence and with good humidity, it's very rare.
Probably not very rare according to the reports of numerous experienced members of this forum. Yager, who raises thousand of mantids in his lab, cites it as the commonest cause of his specimens' mortality and suggests that "anything that disrupts the normal hormonal patterns of nymphal development can also cause problems" (Prete p.315).*

Another cause of mismolts is using enclosures that are not tall enough,>3X the length of the mantis.

* The reason that I'm citing Prete's book so much today is that it finally circulated around to the mess under my computer table. It will be gone in a day or two, and I probably won't see it again for weeks, so I'm enjoying it while I can. :D

Turns out the other is L5, but was L3 when I got it. It was yellow when it was L3. The other one is L3 now, but still brownish red. My budwing isn't eating. I hope it molts.

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Mismolts can happen either way, but without disturbence and with good humidity
Wouldn't misting the cage disturb them? When I mist they start running around.

Also, when do you think the first molt would be for a Chinese Mantis? It's been about 6 days since they hatched and some are eating but others are turning away food.

Wouldn't misting the cage disturb them? When I mist they start running around.Also, when do you think the first molt would be for a Chinese Mantis? It's been about 6 days since they hatched and some are eating but others are turning away food.
If the substrate is moist there is no need to mist daily. They can drown in large drops of water. They should be molting any day now. Some may have molted but you might not notice at first.

From my experience, your chinese mantis hatchlings have at least 6 more days before the first molt.
If the substrate is moist there is no need to mist daily. They can drown in large drops of water. They should be molting any day now. Some may have molted but you might not notice at first.
OK so I had some of my first few molt! They look so much bigger by comparison.

My question now is, I have a little over 10 in the same enclosure and some still haven't molted. Should I be ok dropping a few flies in?

OK so I had some of my first few molt! They look so much bigger by comparison.My question now is, I have a little over 10 in the same enclosure and some still haven't molted. Should I be ok dropping a few flies in?
Well you gotta feed em. When I have many nymphs living together I dump flies in every other day.


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