Where are empusa sp. commonly found?


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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2009
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Hey guys,

sorry I just do not have much time to get on the internet lately, I'd totally find these answers myself if I had the time!

Do any of you know where empusa can be found in France, Spain, and/or Portugal? Like an actual location. I am not looking for a "look in a forest/shrub" answer lol


where are idolomorpha found? south africa? or?

My post is way to general. I am asking for details. Any detailed spots? Like, preferred parks or locations lol?

So if i tell you where in Portugal to look, it's a plane ticket tomorrow and off you go!?!? I don't understand how it would help to know?

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I live in Portugal and i never seen such species here. I live in a very moisty and green region, i don't know if that species prefers the other way around. If it does then they might thrive in some parts of the country.

SPECIES Empusa binotata Serville, 1839:143 [not syn. of guttula by Roy 2004 p.8]

SPECIES Empusa fasciata Brullé, 1832:83 [Egypt, Algeria, Asia Minor, Greece, Herzegovina, Crete, India, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Slowenia, Palestine, Rumania, Turkey, Cyprus]

SPECIES Empusa guttula Thunberg, 1815:294-295 [Egypt, Algeria, Angola, Ethiopia-S, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Province, India, Kenya, Libya, Madagascar, Morocco, Namibia, Somalia, Tanzania, Transvaal, Tschad, Tunisia]

[=Gongylus guttulus Thunberg, 1815:294-295]

SPECIES Empusa hedenborgii Stål, 1877:77 [Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates]

SPECIES Empusa longicollis Ramme, 1951:134 [not syn. of fasciata by Roy 2004 p.9]

SPECIES Empusa megalocephala Gistel, 1856:427 [sudan]

SPECIES Empusa murati Chopard, 1940:22-23 [Mauretanius]

TYPE SPECIES Empusa pauperata (Fabricius, 1781):346-347 [india, Iran, Sri Lanka]

SPECIES Empusa pennata Thunberg, 1815:294 [Algeria, Canary Islands, Libya, Morocco, Sardinia, Sicily, Spain, Tunisia]

[=Empusa brachyptera Fischer von Waldheim, 1846:97]

[=Mantis clavata Goeze, 1778:34]

[=Empusa egema Charpentier, 1841:297]

[=Empusa europaea Fieber, 1853:96]

[=Empusa occidentalis Fieber, 1853:133]

[=Mantis pauperata Rossi, 1783:258] [nec pauperata Fabricius 1781]

[=Mantis pectinata Drury, 1770:121-122] [Jamaica; nomen dubium]

[=Gongylus pennatus Thunberg, 1815]

[=Mantis spuria Goeze, 1778:37] [nomen dubium]

[=Mantis tricornis Goeze, 1778:34] [nomen dubium]

[=Phantoma variabilis Risso, 1826:212]

SPECIES Empusa pennicornis (Pallas, 1773):728

[=Mantis pennicornis Pallas, 1773]

[=Empusa attenuata Ramme, 1951:135]

[=Gongylus marginatus Thunberg, 1815]

[=Empusa orientalis Burmeister, 1838:546]

[=Mantis pallasiana Olivier, 1792:637]

[=Empusa stolli Saussure, 1871:188]

[=Gryllus unicornis Linnaeus, 1763:427] [india, Sri Lanka, China, Malaysia; Linné]

SUBSPECIES Empusa angulata Lindt, 1978:60-62 [uzbekistan]

SUBSPECIES Empusa baysunica Lindt, 1978:62 [Kazachstan, Uzbekistan]

SUBSPECIES Empusa brevidorsa Lindt, 1977:12 [Kazachstan, Tadschikistan]

SUBSPECIES Empusa buharica Lindt, 1977:61-62 [uzbekistan]

SUBSPECIES Empusa caputobtusa Lindt, 1979:25-27 [Tadschikistan]

SUBSPECIES Empusa condarinica Lindt, 1977:11-12 [Tadschikistan]

SUBSPECIES Empusa copetdagica Lindt, 1977:59-62 [Turkmenistan]

SUBSPECIES Empusa hodshamuminica Lindt, 1976:67-68 [Tadschikistan]

SUBSPECIES Empusa iliense Lindt, 1977:60-61 [Kazachstan]

SUBSPECIES Empusa longidorsa Lindt, 1977:9-10 [Tadschikistan]

SUBSPECIES Empusa longoapicale Lindt, 1979:27-29 [Kazachstan]

SUBSPECIES Empusa luppovae Lindt, 1979:24-25 [Tadschikistan]

SUBSPECIES Empusa mujuncumica Lindt, 1976:66-67 [Kazachstan]

SUBSPECIES Empusa orientalis Lindt, 1979:29-30 [Kazachstan]

SUBSPECIES Empusa pennicornis (Pallas, 1773):728 [China, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Mesopotamia, Mersina, Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Tadschikistan]

[=Mantis pennicornis Pallas, 1773]

SUBSPECIES Empusa similis Lindt, 1978:62-63 [Tadschikistan]

SPECIES Empusa romboidae Lindt, 1976:66

SUBSPECIES Empusa nana Lindt, 1976:66-69 [Tadschikistan]

SUBSPECIES Empusa romboidae Lindt, 1976:66 [Tadschikistan]

SPECIES Empusa simonyi Krauss, 1902:56 [sokotra; Yemen]

SPECIES Empusa spinosa Krauss, 1902:53-54 [Oman, Saudi Arabia]

SPECIES Empusa uvarovi Chopard, 1921:52-53 [iraq, India, Israel]


SPECIES Idolomorpha dentifrons Saussure & Zehntner, 1895:244 [Ethiopia, Cape Province, Kenya, Mozambique, Sikumba, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Transvaal, Uganda]

TYPE SPECIES Idolomorpha lateralis (Burmeister, 1838):547 [Angola, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Cameroon, Kenya, Liberia, Mozambique, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo; in subgenus Idolomorpha]

[=Empusa lateralis Burmeister, 1838]

[=Empusa defoliata Serville, 1839:147-148]

[=Empusa spinifrons Saussure, 1859:6l] [senegal; in subgenus Idolomorpha]

SPECIES Idolomorpha madagascariensis Westwood, 1889:46 [Madagascar]

SPECIES Idolomorpha sagitta Sjöstedt, 1900:25-26 [Congo]

thank you yen saw. lol. No its all good guys I got my answer thru a text message from a friend. I was curious about town, locale sorta thing.

Now I am curious about Maddy species!
