Where do you buy your mantids?


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Oct 5, 2014
Reaction score
Just curious. I'm a noob. I had tow mantids at the end of summer that I brought indoors. They both died before Christmas. I would love to have another mantid, but don't know where to buy from. Also, what all will I need as a beginner?

There are ads on here for you to see and make sure you check Breeder feedback before ordering. There are feedbacks for some people that are not even on here. Buyer beware is important.  

Personally I like to deal with home/private breeders more as their prices tend to be more agreeable, and some have quite reliable shipping. You can find some quality ones on Facebook and instagram with relative ease, as well as the classifieds of this site. Still, exercise caution when dealing with anyone without a website, and steer clear of anyone trying to get you to pay with anything other than goods and services. 
