Dead Leaf Mantis
I'm kinda drifting too... :mellow:
Well excuse me for just finding out about the topic a year ago. I've loved mantids my whole life, but only started breeding them a couple of years ago. This is the only forum that I'm apart of, so I definately wouldn't know about your experiences. All I'm saying is that I kinda miss the old members with topics that you could sit and read and just gain insight from it. I realize the forum isn't old, but that especially means that it's kind of sad to see great members drift away when they have so much to offer to the "little people". I hope your not mocking me because I'm relatively new, because that would just be plain silly. Heck, I still go back to the older posts just to read about them, and I must say that their is a difference between those posts and recent/current ones. Maybe it's because of the members who were more into mantid breeding, behavior, etc. And hopefully us newer members will someday be like them, so it is very unwise to call me a grain of sand in the desert. I would consider myself a tree planted in the burned California, have a very great potential, and it would be foolish to knock me down.It's the same damn thing with every forum ever since Al Gore invented the internet. You've only been a member a year.
This isn't a particularly old message board compared to many other crossroads on the web, and you're not a particularly old member.
Like a grain of sand in the desert.
This cliche topic occurs in every message board I've been a part of.
I see what your saying. Sorry Acerbity, I'm just kinda tired. I agree that the lack of good threads is diminishing this forum. It's just that when I came here, everthing was full of life, and it wasn't even during mantid season! Before I joined this forum, I looked at another mantis forum that had died out. No one was on it, and the topics were dull and foolish. I just don't want this to end up like that, especially after recieving such good info/advice in raising my own mantids. (Sigh), I wish some discovery would happen in order to bring them back.I dont necesarily think that Acerbity was trying to knock you down or kill your inspiration, but rather explain that the fading away of older members and the replacement of those members with newer members is a rather normal trend among all chat boards, and this board is no exception. This board is just a grain of sand in a desert full of chat boards.The addition of some uberannoying members over the last year (Im not talking about you Sidewinder) has definitely had a negative effect on the older members, and so many of them simply lurk from time to time to see if there are any really good threads worthy of their input. Sadly of late those have been few and far between.
May sound depressing, but it's the truth. Anyway, nothing to be to depressed about - these people still exist in the real world*sigh* you make it sound so depressing Ian :mellow:
And ts also not to be said that they are gone forever, i mean, take Asa as example: he dissapeared, after a few months people notced, a year later hes back!Totally agree Becky. So many respectful people on here, and tt's nice that everyone on here can openly talk, regardless of the topic/situation. People here with different expertise on so many different subjects, which makes it a pretty interesting board to read.
Just because some of the oldies have moved on, isn't necassarily a bad thing. Okay, a little sad to not hear from them, but as with any forum, members join, and the community gets more diverse.
I think the forum is on great track, couldn't really wish for anything better.
<_< What about my other wish? and THANKS!As Becky requests, so her wish is granted:http://mantidforum.net/forums/index.php?showforum=28