Where to buy deli cups?


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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2012
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Hey I have been searching online for a while and found nothing suitable or cheap (somethings are good but its like 60$ for a container)

I was thinking of getting a bunch of deli cup sort of things that are like this shape


But I want them @ about 80 oz if not a little bit bigger. To house my mantids that I am hoping to get bigger, with some decorations etc...

Does anyone have some for sale or know where to buy them online?

Also being a newbie at this hobby is this size to big and can you put some pictures of what you use?

I found this:


But I fear it may be too small even still... (for fully grown adult mantids)

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I got like 10 32oz cups and lids plus a 80 oz cup and lid from Carey


I have found alot of goodies at Dollar tree too
I really like the 80 oz ones from here I might have to buy a few soon. I was more looking for something like the 80 oz one but big enough to house a large adult mantis eg a chinese one. That's why I can't find anything... I guess I can get $15 containers for each one.

wow that is pretty much perfect! Shame I can't go get some today haha. Although that is an extremely large portion, we tend not to have that stuff in Australia but we have target so I'll check it out tomorrow. Or maybe online :D

oh Wow this has confused me so much how is that 22 oz? We don't use oz in Australia lol... I was looking at 32 oz cups going yeah thats tiny and this is 22 oz and huge? What the heck

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I checked on the target website, we don't have these in Australia aw well. I will probably just get some glass ones cut by my local fish shop, they offered me a good deal & I'll ask if they can put a mesh lid in the tops.
